Perception about Sexual Harassment among Undergraduate students: The Case of Khulna University in Bangladesh

Author:- Rina Aktar and Nusrat Jahan
Category:- Journal; Year:- 2022
Discipline:- Sociology Discipline
School:- Social Science School


Sexual harassment, unwelcomed sexual attention, is being faced with the problem mentioned recurring condition in higher educational settings in Bangladesh. The aim of this paper is to explore the nature and pattern of sexual harassment as well as perceptions regarding sexual harassment among undergraduate students. Administering a selfadministered questionnaire (SAQ) through convenience sampling, data were collected from 256 undergraduate students of Khulna University. Findings showed that female students experienced more sexual harassment (79.7%) than their male counterparts (57.8%). The total 27.35 percent respondents involved in a relationship status in where 22.7 percent male and 32.0 percent female. The higher portion of female respondents (39.8%) were highly perceived the gender harassment that harasser touches individual in a way and the mean is 19.80. The study clearly showed that there was highly significant difference in sexual coercion (t = 5.244, p = 0.000, two-tailed) at the p <0.000 level in scores and the mean was 1.27.Furthermore, there was highly significant difference in seductive behavior at the p <0.05 level in scores for the relationship status groups: F=5.81, p = 0.003. Finally, it can be concluded that students should adopt techniques for selfprotection to reduce such humiliating experience of sexual harassment.

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