Welcome to History & Civilization Discipline
History is in fact very useful, actually indispensable, but the products of historical study are less tangible, sometimes less immediate, than those that stem from some other disciplines. And for these reasons in Bangladesh History as a discipline is to be ignored in some cases. But due to two fundamental facts, history should be learnt and taught at university level. Firstly, it helps us understand people and societies and secondly, history helps us understand change and how the society we live in came to be. But traditional historical teaching, studying, practices and research make a gap between the fundamental utilities of history and its products. For better historical products it will require major contributions from academicians, researchers, and people of all stakes in general. To cater with these needs, History and Civilization Discipline launched its academic activities in 2017 with a view to produce quality history professionals. History and Civilization discipline of Arts and Humanities School is one of the important and twenty-seventh disciplines of this University offering a 4-year Bachelor of Arts (Hon’s.). The Discipline also offers Masterd of Arts in International History; Masterd of Arts in Bengal and South Asian History; Masterd of Arts in Art, Architecture and Archeology and PhD degree. This Discipline is conducting outstanding education and research in the field of history and civilization, which will contribute to the making local, regional, national and international history. It has also given emphasis on areas of political, economic, social, cultural, public, visual, global, environmental, oral, archaeological, and architectural and women’s history. The courses also give emphasis in achieving the optimum acquisition of historical knowledge which can be utilized for historical products in national and global level. The program is specially designed to produce competent professionals who are able to think chronologically, historically and critically with the knowledge of historical interpretation and historical comprehension and lead in writing history from realistic, formal, expressive, and pragmatic approaches. The discipline is just on the eve of producing its first batch. It is hoped that our graduates will be competent to meet the future challenges of writing and practicing historical issues of the country and the globe as a whole. Most of the faculty members of the History and Civilization discipline have obtained Masters Degrees along with PhD. They have started producing excellent cutting-edge knowledge and research in history and civilization. Most of our faculty members are young, energetic and promising. We are trying to engage ourselves in different nationally and internationally renowned historical research institutes or organizations, hopefully the faculty members will be able to contribute significantly to produce real historical products locally, nationally and globally.