সাহিত্যের শহরে স্বাগতম

The Bachelor of Arts in Bangla is a four-year program that is designed to introduce students to the Bangla language and literature, as well as indigenous and folks’ literature and language, along with a broad range of multidisciplinary general education courses in humanities, social sciences, and computer literacy. In addition to this, the curriculum emphasizes the development of students’ linguistic literacy as well as their abilities to comprehend Bangla language. The goal of the program is to train the students to become leaders in the field of literary studies who are adept at working with others and are creative in the way they approach their work. In order to (re)construct and disseminate knowledge, the program also targets to nourish creative, courageous, and analytical minds that are capable of responding both independently and collaboratively with ethical responsibility to questions, challenges, and issues that are related to literary studies and the politics that are inherent in it on a global scale. The program promotes Bangla in higher study and research by offering in-depth study on Bangla history and literature from a modern and pragmatic point of view. The program stands out from others like it because of the unique combination of its current outlook and wide range of available course topics. The core and elective courses deepen students’ understanding of Bangla language, linguistics, and literature, while the general education courses broaden their perspectives and make the core and elective courses effective.

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Dr. Md. Rubel Ansar

বাংলা ডিসিপ্লিনের অভিযাত্রা সার্বিক সুন্দরের উদ্দেশ্যে। সত্য, সুন্দর ও মানবিক মূল্যবোধের অন্বেষণই আমাদের লক্ষ্য।

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বসন্ত গুঞ্জরী

প্রতি বছরের মতো এবারো বাংলা বিভাগ বসন্তকে বরণ করে নেবে গান-নাচ-আবৃত্তি-নাটকের প্রভাতী ও বৈকালীন আয়োজনের মধ্যদিয়ে। আপনারা আমন্ত্রিত।  

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বসন্ত গুঞ্জরী

বসন্তবরণ আয়োজন : প্রভাতী ও বৈকালীন পর্যায়







