Office of The Controller of Examinations

Department Description

The office of the Controller of Examinations is one of the most important offices of this University. The role of the Office of The Controller of Examinations is to conduct fair and timely examinations for the students registered with the university followed by the Academic Calendar. It is the duty of the Office of The Controller of Examinations to arrange for preparation, scheduling, conduct of university examinations, arranging for valuation of answer scripts and all other incidental matters connected with the conduct of examinations. In addition, the Office is responsible for preparing the Academic results (Including Term and Final) and publish it with the Approval of The University Authority, Issuing all kinds of Academic Certificates (i.e. Grade Sheet, Recommendation Letter, Transcript, Equivalence Certificate etc.). However, all kinds of degree verification request which are asking by the various National and International Organizations.


Office of The Controller of Examinations, Shahid Taj Uddin Ahmad Administrative Building, Khulna University, Khulna-9208, Bangladesh, Sher-E-Bangla Road, Gollamari, Khulna


Tel: +8802477734152 (Office Hour : 9.00 AM to 4.00 PM, GMT+6.00) Email: [email protected] (please use only for degree verification purpose), [email protected] (Old ID), [email protected] (use for all feedback except verification)

Department Head

Picture Name Designation Biography
Sk. Sharafat Ali
Email : [email protected]; [email protected];
Contact: +8802477734152
Profile Link:
Controller of Examinations (In-charge)

B.Com -Govt. Azam Khan Commerce College (AKCC), M.Com -Govt. Azam Khan Commerce College (AKCC)

Picture Name Designation Short Bio
Mr. Engr. Md. Anisur Rahman
Email:[email protected]
Deputy Controller of Examinations

B.Sc Engg. in CSE (KU), MBA (KU), M.Phil (IU)

Mr. Engr.Ashif Rubayat Hossain
Email:[email protected];
System Analyst

B.Sc Engg. in CSE (KU), M.Sc Engg. in CSE (KU), CISCO Networking Certification (KUET)

Mr. Engr. Md. Shahidul Haque Palash
Email:[email protected]

B.Sc Engg. in CSE (KU), MS in CSE (UK), CISCO Networking Certification (KUET)

Mr. S.M. Golam Kibria
Assistant Registrar-1

Mr. Md Rafiqul Islam (Babu)
Email:[email protected]
Assistant Registrar-2

Mr. Md. Shahidul Islam
Email:[email protected]
Assistant Controller of Examinations-2

Mr. Mohadeb Mondal
Email:[email protected]
Assistant Controller of Examinations-1

Mrs. Sanzida Akhter
Email:[email protected]
Assistant Controller of Examinations-3

BA (Honours) in English (KU), MA in English (KU)

Mrs. Naznin Nahar
Email:[email protected]
Assistant Registrar

Mrs. Khandoker Shahanara Naznin
Email:[email protected]
Section Officer-1

Mr. Md. Ibrahim Khan
Section Officer-2

Mr. Imam Hossain Sheikh
Email:[email protected]
Section Officer-3

Mr. Md. Asadusjaman
Email:[email protected]
Section Officer-5

Picture Name Designation

Honor Board

Picture Name Biography From To
Dr. Md. Mozammel Huq Azad Khan
Controller of Examinations (In-charge)

Dr. Md. Mozammel Huq Azad Khan is currently a Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at East West University, Dhaka. He is one of the pioneering professors of Computer Science and Engineering in Bangladesh.  He started his teaching career in the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department at Bangladesh Institute of Technology (BIT), Rajshahi, which is currently known as Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology (RUET), in 1986. In 1991 he shifted to Khulna University and, as the founder Head of the Department, established Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Department there, which was the second of its kind in the country after that of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka. As founder Head, he also established Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE) Department at Khulna University in 1997, which was the first ever ECE program in the country. He was the first Dean of Science, Engineering and Technology School at Khulna University. In 1999 he joined East West University as Professor and played an instrumental role in introducing CSE program in the then Computer Science Department and helped rename the department as Computer Science and Engineering Department. He also played a pivotal role in introducing and updating MS program in the department. He served as the Chairperson of the department thrice. He is also the first Dean of the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering at East West University. He, as the founder Chairperson, established Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) Department at East West University. 

22-09-1991 15-09-1994

Core activities of the office mentioned below in a Nutshel


1. After Receiving the Registration card of different terms and sessions from Academic Section (under Office of The Registrar), The office          starts to prepare all formalities of taking examinations 

2. Announcement of programs of all kinds of Examinations such as date, time and place of examinations (School)

3. Appointment of Examination Committees, Paper setters, Moderators etc.

4. Issuing of Admit Cards, preparing of Roll sheets, attendance sheets of the registered students etc.

5. Supplying of questions papers, Scripts and relevant papers and documents to the respective Disciplines, Colleges and Institutes.

6. Appointment of Invigilators , performing of official duties in the Examination Halls.

7. Taking of necessary steps against any examinee for any anti-disciplinary work in the Examination Halls.

8. After receiving the Scripts from Examination Centre or Internal Examiner it is sent with required papers to the respective External Examiners.

9. Receiving of Research papers and Thesis of M.Phil and Ph.D. Degree and sending it with relevant papers and documents to the Examiner/Specialist for it’s evaluation.

10. Receiving of report about Research and Thesis. Arranging of Viva–voce of M.Phil and Ph.D. students and then each File of those student is sent through the Vice–Chancellor of the University to the Academic Council and Syndicate for final approval. Afer awarding the degrees the result is published individually. The Thesis, Research paper and related abstract are sent to the Dhaka University Library and Publicacion section for preservation.

11. Supply and Printing of several forms. Beside this the office arranged to provide the amanuensis those who are blind or unable to write (Answer) by his/her won hand.


12. After receiving the printed Tabulation sheet from different disciplines The result cell of this Office starts to check those Tabulation sheets      according to the ordinance of the University.

13. If there is any mistake found in that printed Tabulation sheets The result cell then take necessary actions to send back again                       the Tabulation sheets to the respective disciplines for correction.

14. Arrangement of publication of results with the approval of the university authority in time and supplying it to the relevant Disciplines,           Halls, Colleges, Institutes and various sections for their references.

15. Preparing of Grade sheets, All kinds of Certificate (i.e. Provisional/Equivalence/Grading Scale/Transcript)

Preparing of The Original Certificates of the registered graduates during the Convocation.

17. Order to delivery the desired Certificates, Transcripts and others through the application from the degree awarded Students. 

18. Issuing duplicate certificates  through the application from the graduates.


19. Perform all kinds of certificates verification upon receiving the verification request from National and International Organizations.


20. Passing of verious Bills of remunerations/honorarium related to examinations.

Core activities of the office mentioned below in a Nutshel


1. After Receiving the Registration card of different terms and sessions from Academic Section (under Office of The Registrar), The office          starts to prepare all formalities of taking examinations 

2. Announcement of programs of all kinds of Examinations such as date, time and place of examinations (School)

3. Appointment of Examination Committees, Paper setters, Moderators etc.

4. Issuing of Admit Cards, preparing of Roll sheets, attendance sheets of the registered students etc.

5. Supplying of questions papers, Scripts and relevant papers and documents to the respective Disciplines, Colleges and Institutes.

6. Appointment of Invigilators , performing of official duties in the Examination Halls.

7. Taking of necessary steps against any examinee for any anti-disciplinary work in the Examination Halls.

8. After receiving the Scripts from Examination Centre or Internal Examiner it is sent with required papers to the respective External Examiners.

9. Receiving of Research papers and Thesis of M.Phil and Ph.D. Degree and sending it with relevant papers and documents to the Examiner/Specialist for it’s evaluation.

10. Receiving of report about Research and Thesis. Arranging of Viva–voce of M.Phil and Ph.D. students and then each File of those student is sent through the Vice–Chancellor of the University to the Academic Council and Syndicate for final approval. Afer awarding the degrees the result is published individually. The Thesis, Research paper and related abstract are sent to the Dhaka University Library and Publicacion section for preservation.

11. Supply and Printing of several forms. Beside this the office arranged to provide the amanuensis those who are blind or unable to write (Answer) by his/her won hand.


12. After receiving the printed Tabulation sheet from different disciplines The result cell of this Office starts to check those Tabulation sheets      according to the ordinance of the University.

13. If there is any mistake found in that printed Tabulation sheets The result cell then take necessary actions to send back again                       the Tabulation sheets to the respective disciplines for correction.

14. Arrangement of publication of results with the approval of the university authority in time and supplying it to the relevant Disciplines,           Halls, Colleges, Institutes and various sections for their references.

15. Preparing of Grade sheets, All kinds of Certificate (i.e. Provisional/Equivalence/Grading Scale/Transcript)

Preparing of The Original Certificates of the registered graduates during the Convocation.

17. Order to delivery the desired Certificates, Transcripts and others through the application from the degree awarded Students. 

18. Issuing duplicate certificates  through the application from the graduates.


19. Perform all kinds of certificates verification upon receiving the verification request from National and International Organizations.


20. Passing of verious Bills of remunerations/honorarium related to examinations.

Core activities of the office mentioned below in a Nutshel


1. After Receiving the Registration card of different terms and sessions from Academic Section (under Office of The Registrar), The office          starts to prepare all formalities of taking examinations 

2. Announcement of programs of all kinds of Examinations such as date, time and place of examinations (School)

3. Appointment of Examination Committees, Paper setters, Moderators etc.

4. Issuing of Admit Cards, preparing of Roll sheets, attendance sheets of the registered students etc.

5. Supplying of questions papers, Scripts and relevant papers and documents to the respective Disciplines, Colleges and Institutes.

6. Appointment of Invigilators , performing of official duties in the Examination Halls.

7. Taking of necessary steps against any examinee for any anti-disciplinary work in the Examination Halls.

8. After receiving the Scripts from Examination Centre or Internal Examiner it is sent with required papers to the respective External Examiners.

9. Receiving of Research papers and Thesis of M.Phil and Ph.D. Degree and sending it with relevant papers and documents to the Examiner/Specialist for it’s evaluation.

10. Receiving of report about Research and Thesis. Arranging of Viva–voce of M.Phil and Ph.D. students and then each File of those student is sent through the Vice–Chancellor of the University to the Academic Council and Syndicate for final approval. Afer awarding the degrees the result is published individually. The Thesis, Research paper and related abstract are sent to the Dhaka University Library and Publicacion section for preservation.

11. Supply and Printing of several forms. Beside this the office arranged to provide the amanuensis those who are blind or unable to write (Answer) by his/her won hand.


12. After receiving the printed Tabulation sheet from different disciplines The result cell of this Office starts to check those Tabulation sheets      according to the ordinance of the University.

13. If there is any mistake found in that printed Tabulation sheets The result cell then take necessary actions to send back again                       the Tabulation sheets to the respective disciplines for correction.

14. Arrangement of publication of results with the approval of the university authority in time and supplying it to the relevant Disciplines,           Halls, Colleges, Institutes and various sections for their references.

15. Preparing of Grade sheets, All kinds of Certificate (i.e. Provisional/Equivalence/Grading Scale/Transcript)

Preparing of The Original Certificates of the registered graduates during the Convocation.

17. Order to delivery the desired Certificates, Transcripts and others through the application from the degree awarded Students. 

18. Issuing duplicate certificates  through the application from the graduates.


19. Perform all kinds of certificates verification upon receiving the verification request from National and International Organizations.


20. Passing of verious Bills of remunerations/honorarium related to examinations.

Core activities of the office mentioned below in a Nutshel


1. After Receiving the Registration card of different terms and sessions from Academic Section (under Office of The Registrar), The office          starts to prepare all formalities of taking examinations 

2. Announcement of programs of all kinds of Examinations such as date, time and place of examinations (School)

3. Appointment of Examination Committees, Paper setters, Moderators etc.

4. Issuing of Admit Cards, preparing of Roll sheets, attendance sheets of the registered students etc.

5. Supplying of questions papers, Scripts and relevant papers and documents to the respective Disciplines, Colleges and Institutes.

6. Appointment of Invigilators , performing of official duties in the Examination Halls.

7. Taking of necessary steps against any examinee for any anti-disciplinary work in the Examination Halls.

8. After receiving the Scripts from Examination Centre or Internal Examiner it is sent with required papers to the respective External Examiners.

9. Receiving of Research papers and Thesis of M.Phil and Ph.D. Degree and sending it with relevant papers and documents to the Examiner/Specialist for it’s evaluation.

10. Receiving of report about Research and Thesis. Arranging of Viva–voce of M.Phil and Ph.D. students and then each File of those student is sent through the Vice–Chancellor of the University to the Academic Council and Syndicate for final approval. Afer awarding the degrees the result is published individually. The Thesis, Research paper and related abstract are sent to the Dhaka University Library and Publicacion section for preservation.

11. Supply and Printing of several forms. Beside this the office arranged to provide the amanuensis those who are blind or unable to write (Answer) by his/her won hand.


12. After receiving the printed Tabulation sheet from different disciplines The result cell of this Office starts to check those Tabulation sheets      according to the ordinance of the University.

13. If there is any mistake found in that printed Tabulation sheets The result cell then take necessary actions to send back again                       the Tabulation sheets to the respective disciplines for correction.

14. Arrangement of publication of results with the approval of the university authority in time and supplying it to the relevant Disciplines,           Halls, Colleges, Institutes and various sections for their references.

15. Preparing of Grade sheets, All kinds of Certificate (i.e. Provisional/Equivalence/Grading Scale/Transcript)

Preparing of The Original Certificates of the registered graduates during the Convocation.

17. Order to delivery the desired Certificates, Transcripts and others through the application from the degree awarded Students. 

18. Issuing duplicate certificates  through the application from the graduates.


19. Perform all kinds of certificates verification upon receiving the verification request from National and International Organizations.


20. Passing of verious Bills of remunerations/honorarium related to examinations.

Core activities of the office mentioned below in a Nutshel


1. After Receiving the Registration card of different terms and sessions from Academic Section (under Office of The Registrar), The office          starts to prepare all formalities of taking examinations 

2. Announcement of programs of all kinds of Examinations such as date, time and place of examinations (School)

3. Appointment of Examination Committees, Paper setters, Moderators etc.

4. Issuing of Admit Cards, preparing of Roll sheets, attendance sheets of the registered students etc.

5. Supplying of questions papers, Scripts and relevant papers and documents to the respective Disciplines, Colleges and Institutes.

6. Appointment of Invigilators , performing of official duties in the Examination Halls.

7. Taking of necessary steps against any examinee for any anti-disciplinary work in the Examination Halls.

8. After receiving the Scripts from Examination Centre or Internal Examiner it is sent with required papers to the respective External Examiners.

9. Receiving of Research papers and Thesis of M.Phil and Ph.D. Degree and sending it with relevant papers and documents to the Examiner/Specialist for it’s evaluation.

10. Receiving of report about Research and Thesis. Arranging of Viva–voce of M.Phil and Ph.D. students and then each File of those student is sent through the Vice–Chancellor of the University to the Academic Council and Syndicate for final approval. Afer awarding the degrees the result is published individually. The Thesis, Research paper and related abstract are sent to the Dhaka University Library and Publicacion section for preservation.

11. Supply and Printing of several forms. Beside this the office arranged to provide the amanuensis those who are blind or unable to write (Answer) by his/her won hand.


12. After receiving the printed Tabulation sheet from different disciplines The result cell of this Office starts to check those Tabulation sheets      according to the ordinance of the University.

13. If there is any mistake found in that printed Tabulation sheets The result cell then take necessary actions to send back again                       the Tabulation sheets to the respective disciplines for correction.

14. Arrangement of publication of results with the approval of the university authority in time and supplying it to the relevant Disciplines,           Halls, Colleges, Institutes and various sections for their references.

15. Preparing of Grade sheets, All kinds of Certificate (i.e. Provisional/Equivalence/Grading Scale/Transcript)

Preparing of The Original Certificates of the registered graduates during the Convocation.

17. Order to delivery the desired Certificates, Transcripts and others through the application from the degree awarded Students. 

18. Issuing duplicate certificates  through the application from the graduates.


19. Perform all kinds of certificates verification upon receiving the verification request from National and International Organizations.


20. Passing of verious Bills of remunerations/honorarium related to examinations.

Core activities of the office mentioned below in a Nutshel


1. After Receiving the Registration card of different terms and sessions from Academic Section (under Office of The Registrar),

   The office starts to prepare all formalities of taking examinations 

2. Announcement of programs of all kinds of Examinations such as date, time and place of examinations (School)

3. Appointment of Examination Committees, Paper setters, Moderators etc.

4. Issuing of Admit Cards, preparing of Roll sheets, attendance sheets of the registered students etc.

5. Supplying of questions papers, Scripts and relevant papers and documents to the respective Disciplines, Colleges and Institutes.

6. Appointment of Invigilators , performing of official duties in the Examination Halls.

7. Taking of necessary steps against any examinee for any anti-disciplinary work in the Examination Halls.

8. After receiving the Scripts from Examination Centre or Internal Examiner it is sent with required papers to the respective External Examiners.

9. Receiving of Research papers and Thesis of M.Phil and Ph.D. Degree and sending it with relevant papers and documents to the Examiner/Specialist for it’s evaluation.

10. Receiving of report about Research and Thesis. Arranging of Viva–voce of M.Phil and Ph.D. students and then each File of those student is sent through the Vice–Chancellor of the University to the Academic Council and Syndicate for final approval. Afer awarding the degrees the result is published individually. The Thesis, Research paper and related abstract are sent to the Dhaka University Library and Publicacion section for preservation.

11. Supply and Printing of several forms. Beside this the office arranged to provide the amanuensis those who are blind or unable to write (Answer) by his/her won hand.


12. After receiving the printed Tabulation sheet from different disciplines The result cell of this Office starts to check those Tabulation sheets      according to the ordinance of the University.

13. If there is any mistake found in that printed Tabulation sheets The result cell then take necessary actions to send back again                       the Tabulation sheets to the respective disciplines for correction.

14. Arrangement of publication of results with the approval of the university authority in time and supplying it to the relevant Disciplines,           Halls, Colleges, Institutes and various sections for their references.

15. Preparing of Grade sheets, All kinds of Certificate (i.e. Provisional/Equivalence/Grading Scale/Transcript)

Preparing of The Original Certificates of the registered graduates during the Convocation.

17. Order to delivery the desired Certificates, Transcripts and others through the application from the degree awarded Students. 

18. Issuing duplicate certificates  through the application from the graduates.


19. Perform all kinds of certificates verification upon receiving the verification request from National and International Organizations.


20. Passing of verious Bills of remunerations/honorarium related to examinations.

Core activities of the office mentioned below in a Nutshel


1. After Receiving the Registration card of different terms and sessions from Academic Section (under Office of The Registrar),

   The office starts to prepare all formalities of taking examinations 

2. Announcement of programs of all kinds of Examinations such as date, time and place of examinations (School)

3. Appointment of Examination Committees, Paper setters, Moderators etc.

4. Issuing of Admit Cards, preparing of Roll sheets, attendance sheets of the registered students etc.

5. Supplying of questions papers, Scripts and relevant papers and documents to the respective Disciplines, Colleges and Institutes.

6. Appointment of Invigilators , performing of official duties in the Examination Halls.

7. Taking of necessary steps against any examinee for any anti-disciplinary work in the Examination Halls.

8. After receiving the Scripts from Examination Centre or Internal Examiner it is sent with required papers to the respective External Examiners.

9. Receiving of Research papers and Thesis of M.Phil and Ph.D. Degree and sending it with relevant papers and documents to the Examiner/Specialist for it’s evaluation.

10. Receiving of report about Research and Thesis. Arranging of Viva–voce of M.Phil and Ph.D. students and then each File of those student is sent through the Vice–Chancellor of the University to the Academic Council and Syndicate for final approval. Afer awarding the degrees the result is published individually. The Thesis, Research paper and related abstract are sent to the Dhaka University Library and Publicacion section for preservation.

11. Supply and Printing of several forms. Beside this the office arranged to provide the amanuensis those who are blind or unable to write (Answer) by his/her won hand.


12. After receiving the printed Tabulation sheet from different disciplines The result cell of this Office starts to check those Tabulation sheets      according to the ordinance of the University.

13. If there is any mistake found in that printed Tabulation sheets The result cell then take necessary actions to send back again                       the Tabulation sheets to the respective disciplines for correction.

14. Arrangement of publication of results with the approval of the university authority in time and supplying it to the relevant Disciplines,           Halls, Colleges, Institutes and various sections for their references.

15. Preparing of Grade sheets, All kinds of Certificate (i.e. Provisional/Equivalence/Grading Scale/Transcript)

Preparing of The Original Certificates of the registered graduates during the Convocation.

17. Order to delivery the desired Certificates, Transcripts and others through the application from the degree awarded Students. 

18. Issuing duplicate certificates  through the application from the graduates.


19. Perform all kinds of certificates verification upon receiving the verification request from National and International Organizations.


20. Passing of verious Bills of remunerations/honorarium related to examinations.

Core activities of the office mentioned below in a Nutshel


1. After Receiving the Registration card of different terms and sessions from Academic Section (under Office of The Registrar),

   The office starts to prepare all formalities of taking examinations 

2. Announcement of programs of all kinds of Examinations such as date, time and place of examinations (School)

3. Appointment of Examination Committees, Paper setters, Moderators etc.

4. Issuing of Admit Cards, preparing of Roll sheets, attendance sheets of the registered students etc.

5. Supplying of questions papers, Scripts and relevant papers and documents to the respective Disciplines, Colleges and Institutes.

6. Appointment of Invigilators , performing of official duties in the Examination Halls.

7. Taking of necessary steps against any examinee for any anti-disciplinary work in the Examination Halls.

8. After receiving the Scripts from Examination Centre or Internal Examiner it is sent with required papers to the respective External Examiners.

9. Receiving of Research papers and Thesis of M.Phil and Ph.D. Degree and sending it with relevant papers and documents to the Examiner/Specialist for it’s evaluation.

10. Receiving of report about Research and Thesis. Arranging of Viva–voce of M.Phil and Ph.D. students and then each File of those student is sent through the Vice–Chancellor of the University to the Academic Council and Syndicate for final approval. Afer awarding the degrees the result is published individually. The Thesis, Research paper and related abstract are sent to the Dhaka University Library and Publicacion section for preservation.

11. Supply and Printing of several forms. Beside this the office arranged to provide the amanuensis those who are blind or unable to write (Answer) by his/her won hand.


12. After receiving the printed Tabulation sheet from different disciplines The result cell of this Office starts to check those Tabulation sheets      according to the ordinance of the University.

13. If there is any mistake found in that printed Tabulation sheets The result cell then take necessary actions to send back again                       the Tabulation sheets to the respective disciplines for correction.

14. Arrangement of publication of results with the approval of the university authority in time and supplying it to the relevant Disciplines,           Halls, Colleges, Institutes and various sections for their references.

15. Preparing of Grade sheets, All kinds of Certificate (i.e. Provisional/Equivalence/Grading Scale/Transcript)

Preparing of The Original Certificates of the registered graduates during the Convocation.

17. Order to delivery the desired Certificates, Transcripts and others through the application from the degree awarded Students. 

18. Issuing duplicate certificates  through the application from the graduates.


19. Perform all kinds of certificates verification upon receiving the verification request from National and International Organizations.


20. Passing of verious Bills of remunerations/honorarium related to examinations.

Core activities of the office mentioned below in a Nutshel


1. After Receiving the Registration card of different terms and sessions from Academic Section (under Office of The Registrar),

   The office starts to prepare all formalities of taking examinations 

2. Announcement of programs of all kinds of Examinations such as date, time and place of examinations (School)

3. Appointment of Examination Committees, Paper setters, Moderators etc.

4. Issuing of Admit Cards, preparing of Roll sheets, attendance sheets of the registered students etc.

5. Supplying of questions papers, Scripts and relevant papers and documents to the respective Disciplines, Colleges and Institutes.

6. Appointment of Invigilators , performing of official duties in the Examination Halls.

7. Taking of necessary steps against any examinee for any anti-disciplinary work in the Examination Halls.

8. After receiving the Scripts from Examination Centre or Internal Examiner it is sent with required papers to the respective External Examiners.

9. Receiving of Research papers and Thesis of M.Phil and Ph.D. Degree and sending it with relevant papers and documents to the Examiner/Specialist for it’s evaluation.

10. Receiving of report about Research and Thesis. Arranging of Viva-voce of M.Phil and PhD students and then each File of those student is sent through the Vice-Chancellor of the University to the Academic Council and Syndicate for final approval. After awarding the degrees the result is published individually. The Thesis, Research paper and related abstract are sent to the Dhaka University Library and Publication section for preservation.

11. Supply and Printing of several forms. Beside this the office arranged to provide the amanuensis those who are blind or unable to write (Answer) by his/her own hand.


12. After receiving the printed Tabulation sheet from different disciplines The result cell of this Office starts to check those Tabulation sheets

     according to the ordinance of the University.

13. If there is any mistake found in that printed Tabulation sheets The result cell then take necessary actions to send back again                       the Tabulation sheets to the respective disciplines for correction.

14. Arrangement of publication of results with the approval of the university authority in time and supplying it to the relevant Disciplines,           Halls, Colleges, Institutes and various sections for their references.

15. Preparing of Grade sheets, All kinds of Certificate (i.e. Provisional/Equivalence/Grading Scale/Transcript)

Preparing of The Original Certificates of the registered graduates during the Convocation.

17. Order to delivery the desired Certificates, Transcripts and others through the application from the degree awarded Students. 

18. Issuing duplicate certificates  through the application from the graduates.


19. Perform all kinds of certificates verification upon receiving the verification request from National and International Organizations.


20. Passing of verious Bills of remunerations/honorarium related to examinations.

Core activities of the office mentioned below in a Nutshel


1. After Receiving the Registration card of different terms and sessions from Academic Section (under Office of The Registrar),

   The office starts to prepare all formalities of taking examinations 

2. Announcement of programs of all kinds of Examinations such as date, time and place of examinations (School)

3. Appointment of Examination Committees, Paper setters, Moderators etc.

4. Issuing of Admit Cards, preparing of Roll sheets, attendance sheets of the registered students etc.

5. Supplying of questions papers, Scripts and relevant papers and documents to the respective Disciplines, Colleges and Institutes.

6. Appointment of Invigilators , performing of official duties in the Examination Halls.

7. Taking of necessary steps against any examinee for any anti-disciplinary work in the Examination Halls.

8. After receiving the Scripts from Examination Centre or Internal Examiner it is sent with required papers to the respective External Examiners.

9. Receiving of Research papers and Thesis of M.Phil and Ph.D. Degree and sending it with relevant papers and documents to the Examiner/Specialist for it’s evaluation.

10. Receiving of report about Research and Thesis. Arranging of Viva-voce of M.Phil and PhD students and then each File of those student is sent through the Vice-Chancellor of the University to the Academic Council and Syndicate for final approval. After awarding the degrees the result is published individually. The Thesis, Research paper and related abstract are sent to the Dhaka University Library and Publication section for preservation.

11. Supply and Printing of several forms. Beside this the office arranged to provide the amanuensis those who are blind or unable to write (Answer) by his/her own hand.


12. After receiving the printed Tabulation sheet from different disciplines The result cell of this Office starts to check those Tabulation sheets

     according to the ordinance of the University.

13. If there is any mistake found in that printed Tabulation sheets The result cell then take necessary actions to send back again                       the Tabulation sheets to the respective disciplines for correction.

14. Arrangement of publication of results with the approval of the university authority in time and supplying it to the relevant Disciplines,           Halls, Colleges, Institutes and various sections for their references.

15. Preparing of Grade sheets, All kinds of Certificate (i.e. Provisional/Equivalence/Grading Scale/Transcript)

Preparing of The Original Certificates of the registered graduates during the Convocation.

17. Order to delivery the desired Certificates, Transcripts and others through the application from the degree awarded Students. 

18. Issuing duplicate certificates  through the application from the graduates.


19. Perform all kinds of certificates verification upon receiving the verification request from National and International Organizations.


20. Passing of verious Bills of remunerations/honorarium related to examinations.

Core activities of the office mentioned below in a Nutshel


1. After Receiving the Registration card of different terms and sessions from Academic Section (under Office of The Registrar),

   The office starts to prepare all formalities of taking examinations 

2. Announcement of programs of all kinds of Examinations such as date, time and place of examinations (School)

3. Appointment of Examination Committees, Paper setters, Moderators etc.

4. Issuing of Admit Cards, preparing of Roll sheets, attendance sheets of the registered students etc.

5. Supplying of questions papers, Scripts and relevant papers and documents to the respective Disciplines, Colleges and Institutes.

6. Appointment of Invigilators , performing of official duties in the Examination Halls.

7. Taking of necessary steps against any examinee for any anti-disciplinary work in the Examination Halls.

8. After receiving the Scripts from Examination Centre or Internal Examiner it is sent with required papers to the respective External Examiners.

9. Receiving of Research papers and Thesis of M.Phil and Ph.D. Degree and sending it with relevant papers and documents to the Examiner/Specialist for it’s evaluation.

10. Receiving of report about Research and Thesis. Arranging of Viva-voce of M.Phil and PhD students and then each File of those student is sent through the Vice-Chancellor of the University to the Academic Council and Syndicate for final approval. After awarding the degrees the result is published individually. The Thesis, Research paper and related abstract are sent to the Dhaka University Library and Publication section for preservation.

11. Supply and Printing of several forms. Beside this the office arranged to provide the amanuensis those who are blind or unable to write (Answer) by his/her own hand.


12. After receiving the printed Tabulation sheet from different disciplines The result cell of this Office starts to check those Tabulation sheets

     according to the ordinance of the University.

13. If there is any mistake found in that printed Tabulation sheets The result cell then take necessary actions to send back again                       the Tabulation sheets to the respective disciplines for correction.

14. Arrangement of publication of results with the approval of the university authority in time and supplying it to the relevant Disciplines,           Halls, Colleges, Institutes and various sections for their references.

15. Preparing of Grade sheets, All kinds of Certificate (i.e. Provisional/Equivalence/Grading Scale/Transcript)

Preparing of The Original Certificates of the registered graduates during the Convocation.

17. Order to delivery the desired Certificates, Transcripts and others through the application from the degree awarded Students. 

18. Issuing duplicate certificates  through the application from the graduates.


19. Perform all kinds of certificates verification upon receiving the verification request from National and International Organizations.


20. Passing of verious Bills of remunerations/honorarium related to examinations.

Core activities of the office mentioned below in a Nutshel


1. After Receiving the Registration card of different terms and sessions from Academic Section (under Office of The Registrar),

2. Announcement of programs of all kinds of Examinations such as date, time and place of examinations (School)

3. Appointment of Examination Committees, Paper setters, Moderators etc.

4. Issuing of Admit Cards, preparing of Roll sheets, attendance sheets of the registered students etc.

5. Supplying of questions papers, Scripts and relevant papers and documents to the respective Disciplines, Colleges and Institutes.

6. Appointment of Invigilators , performing of official duties in the Examination Halls.

7. Taking of necessary steps against any examinee for any anti-disciplinary work in the Examination Halls.

8. After receiving the Scripts from Examination Centre or Internal Examiner it is sent with required papers to the respective External Examiners.

9. Receiving of Research papers and Thesis of M.Phil and Ph.D. Degree and sending it with relevant papers and documents to the Examiner/Specialist for it’s evaluation.

10. Receiving of report about Research and Thesis. Arranging of Viva-voce of M.Phil and PhD students and then each File of those student is sent through the Vice-Chancellor of the University to the Academic Council and Syndicate for final approval. After awarding the degrees the result is published individually. The Thesis, Research paper and related abstract are sent to the Dhaka University Library and Publication section for preservation.

11. Supply and Printing of several forms. Beside this the office arranged to provide the amanuensis those who are blind or unable to write (Answer) by his/her own hand.


12. After receiving the printed Tabulation sheet from different disciplines The result cell of this Office starts to check those Tabulation sheets

     according to the ordinance of the University.

13. If there is any mistake found in that printed Tabulation sheets The result cell then take necessary actions to send back again                       the Tabulation sheets to the respective disciplines for correction.

14. Arrangement of publication of results with the approval of the university authority in time and supplying it to the relevant Disciplines,           Halls, Colleges, Institutes and various sections for their references.

15. Preparing of Grade sheets, All kinds of Certificate (i.e. Provisional/Equivalence/Grading Scale/Transcript)

Preparing of The Original Certificates of the registered graduates during the Convocation.

17. Order to delivery the desired Certificates, Transcripts and others through the application from the degree awarded Students. 

18. Issuing duplicate certificates  through the application from the graduates.


19. Perform all kinds of certificates verification upon receiving the verification request from National and International Organizations.


20. Passing of verious Bills of remunerations/honorarium related to examinations.

Core activities of the office mentioned below in a Nutshel


1. After Receiving the Registration card of different terms and sessions from Academic Section (under Office of The Registrar),

2. Announcement of programs of all kinds of Examinations such as date, time and place of examinations (School)

3. Appointment of Examination Committees, Paper setters, Moderators etc.

4. Issuing of Admit Cards, preparing of Roll sheets, attendance sheets of the registered students etc.

5. Supplying of questions papers, Scripts and relevant papers and documents to the respective Disciplines, Colleges and Institutes.

6. Appointment of Invigilators , performing of official duties in the Examination Halls.

7. Taking of necessary steps against any examinee for any anti-disciplinary work in the Examination Halls.

8. After receiving the Scripts from Examination Centre or Internal Examiner it is sent with required papers to the respective External Examiners.

9. Receiving of Research papers and Thesis of M.Phil and Ph.D. Degree and sending it with relevant papers and documents to the Examiner/Specialist for it’s evaluation.

10. Receiving of report about Research and Thesis. Arranging of Viva-voce of M.Phil and PhD students and then each File of those student is sent through the Vice-Chancellor of the University to the Academic Council and Syndicate for final approval. After awarding the degrees the result is published individually. The Thesis, Research paper and related abstract are sent to the Dhaka University Library and Publication section for preservation.

11. Supply and Printing of several forms. Beside this the office arranged to provide the amanuensis those who are blind or unable to write (Answer) by his/her own hand.


12. After receiving the printed Tabulation sheet from different disciplines The result cell of this Office starts to check those Tabulation sheets

     according to the ordinance of the University.

13. If there is any mistake found in that printed Tabulation sheets The result cell then take necessary actions to send back again                       the Tabulation sheets to the respective disciplines for correction.

14. Arrangement of publication of results with the approval of the university authority in time and supplying it to the relevant Disciplines,           Halls, Colleges, Institutes and various sections for their references.

15. Preparing of Grade sheets, All kinds of Certificate (i.e. Provisional/Equivalence/Grading Scale/Transcript)

Preparing of The Original Certificates of the registered graduates during the Convocation.

17. Order to delivery the desired Certificates, Transcripts and others through the application from the degree awarded Students. 

18. Issuing duplicate certificates  through the application from the graduates.


19. Perform all kinds of certificates verification upon receiving the verification request from National and International Organizations.


20. Passing of verious Bills of remunerations/honorarium related to examinations.

Core activities of the office mentioned below in a Nutshel


1. After Receiving the Registration card of different terms and sessions from Academic Section (under Office of The Registrar),

2. Announcement of programs of all kinds of Examinations such as date, time and place of examinations (School)

3. Appointment of Examination Committees, Paper setters, Moderators etc.

4. Issuing of Admit Cards, preparing of Roll sheets, attendance sheets of the registered students etc.

5. Supplying of questions papers, Scripts and relevant papers and documents to the respective Disciplines, Colleges and Institutes.

6. Appointment of Invigilators , performing of official duties in the Examination Halls.

7. Taking of necessary steps against any examinee for any anti-disciplinary work in the Examination Halls.

8. After receiving the Scripts from Examination Centre or Internal Examiner it is sent with required papers to the respective External Examiners.

9. Receiving of Research papers and Thesis of M.Phil and Ph.D. Degree and sending it with relevant papers and documents to the Examiner/Specialist for it’s evaluation.

10. Receiving of report about Research and Thesis. Arranging of Viva-voce of M.Phil and PhD students and then each File of those student is sent through the Vice-Chancellor of the University to the Academic Council and Syndicate for final approval. After awarding the degrees the result is published individually. The Thesis, Research paper and related abstract are sent to the Dhaka University Library and Publication section for preservation.

11. Supply and Printing of several forms. Beside this the office arranged to provide the amanuensis those who are blind or unable to write (Answer) by his/her own hand.


12. After receiving the printed Tabulation sheet from different disciplines The result cell of this Office starts to check those Tabulation sheets

     according to the ordinance of the University.

13. If there is any mistake found in that printed Tabulation sheets The result cell then take necessary actions to send back again                       the Tabulation sheets to the respective disciplines for correction.

14. Arrangement of publication of results with the approval of the university authority in time and supplying it to the relevant Disciplines,           Halls, Colleges, Institutes and various sections for their references.

15. Preparing of Grade sheets, All kinds of Certificate (i.e. Provisional/Equivalence/Grading Scale/Transcript)

Preparing of The Original Certificates of the registered graduates during the Convocation.

17. Order to delivery the desired Certificates, Transcripts and others through the application from the degree awarded Students. 

18. Issuing duplicate certificates  through the application from the graduates.


19. Perform all kinds of certificates verification upon receiving the verification request from National and International Organizations.


20. Passing of verious Bills of remunerations/honorarium related to examinations.

Core activities of the office mentioned below in a Nutshel


1. After Receiving the Registration card of different terms and sessions from Academic Section (under Office of The Registrar),

2. Announcement of programs of all kinds of Examinations such as date, time and place of examinations (School)

3. Appointment of Examination Committees, Paper setters, Moderators etc.

4. Issuing of Admit Cards, preparing of Roll sheets, attendance sheets of the registered students etc.

5. Supplying of questions papers, Scripts and relevant papers and documents to the respective Disciplines, Colleges and Institutes.

6. Appointment of Invigilators , performing of official duties in the Examination Halls.

7. Taking of necessary steps against any examinee for any anti-disciplinary work in the Examination Halls.

8. After receiving the Scripts from Examination Centre or Internal Examiner it is sent with required papers to the respective External Examiners.

9. Receiving of Research papers and Thesis of M.Phil and Ph.D. Degree and sending it with relevant papers and documents to the Examiner/Specialist for it’s evaluation.

10. Receiving of report about Research and Thesis. Arranging of Viva-voce of M.Phil and PhD students and then each File of those student is sent through the Vice-Chancellor of the University to the Academic Council and Syndicate for final approval. After awarding the degrees the result is published individually. The Thesis, Research paper and related abstract are sent to the Dhaka University Library and Publication section for preservation.

11. Supply and Printing of several forms. Beside this the office arranged to provide the amanuensis those who are blind or unable to write (Answer) by his/her own hand.


12. After receiving the printed Tabulation sheet from different disciplines The result cell of this Office starts to check those Tabulation sheets

     according to the ordinance of the University.

13. If there is any mistake found in that printed Tabulation sheets The result cell then take necessary actions to send back again                       the Tabulation sheets to the respective disciplines for correction.

14. Arrangement of publication of results with the approval of the university authority in time and supplying it to the relevant Disciplines,           Halls, Colleges, Institutes and various sections for their references.

15. Preparing of Grade sheets, All kinds of Certificate (i.e. Provisional/Equivalence/Grading Scale/Transcript)

Preparing of The Original Certificates of the registered graduates during the Convocation.

17. Order to delivery the desired Certificates, Transcripts and others through the application from the degree awarded Students. 

18. Issuing duplicate certificates  through the application from the graduates.


19. Perform all kinds of certificates verification upon receiving the verification request from National and International Organizations.


20. Passing of verious Bills of remunerations/honorarium related to examinations.

Core activities of the office mentioned below in a Nutshel


1. After Receiving the Registration card of different terms and sessions from Academic Section (under Office of The Registrar),

2. Announcement of programs of all kinds of Examinations such as date, time and place of examinations (School)

3. Appointment of Examination Committees, Paper setters, Moderators etc.

4. Issuing of Admit Cards, preparing of Roll sheets, attendance sheets of the registered students etc.

5. Supplying of questions papers, Scripts and relevant papers and documents to the respective Disciplines, Colleges and Institutes.

6. Appointment of Invigilators , performing of official duties in the Examination Halls.

7. Taking of necessary steps against any examinee for any anti-disciplinary work in the Examination Halls.

8. After receiving the Scripts from Examination Centre or Internal Examiner it is sent with required papers to the respective External Examiners.

9. Receiving of Research papers and Thesis of M.Phil and Ph.D. Degree and sending it with relevant papers and documents to the Examiner/Specialist for it’s evaluation.

10. Receiving of report about Research and Thesis. Arranging of Viva-voce of M.Phil and PhD students and then each File of those student is sent through the Vice-Chancellor of the University to the Academic Council and Syndicate for final approval. After awarding the degrees the result is published individually. The Thesis, Research paper and related abstract are sent to the Dhaka University Library and Publication section for preservation.

11. Supply and Printing of several forms. Beside this the office arranged to provide the amanuensis those who are blind or unable to write (Answer) by his/her own hand.


12. After receiving the printed Tabulation sheet from different disciplines The result cell of this Office starts to check those Tabulation sheets

     according to the ordinance of the University.

13. If there is any mistake found in that printed Tabulation sheets The result cell then take necessary actions to send back again                       the Tabulation sheets to the respective disciplines for correction.

14. Arrangement of publication of results with the approval of the university authority in time and supplying it to the relevant Disciplines,           Halls, Colleges, Institutes and various sections for their references.

15. Preparing of Grade sheets, All kinds of Certificate (i.e. Provisional/Equivalence/Grading Scale/Transcript)

Preparing of The Original Certificates of the registered graduates during the Convocation.

17. Order to delivery the desired Certificates, Transcripts and others through the application from the degree awarded Students. 

18. Issuing duplicate certificates  through the application from the graduates.


19. Perform all kinds of certificates verification upon receiving the verification request from National and International Organizations.


20. Passing of verious Bills of remunerations/honorarium related to examinations.

Core activities of the office mentioned below in a Nutshel

Core activities of the office mentioned below in a Nutshel

Citizen Charter

Citizen Charter-Office of The Controller of Examinations

ক্রমিক নং
সেবার নাম
সেবা প্রদান প্রদ্ধতি
প্রয়োজনীয় কাগজপত্র/আবেদন ফরম প্রাপ্তিস্থান
সেবা মূল্য এবং পরিশোধ পদ্ধতি
সেবা প্রদানের সময়সীমা

দায়িত্বপ্রাপ্ত কর্মকর্তা

(নাম, পদবী, ফোন নম্বর ও ই-মেইল)




 সরাসরি উত্তোলনের ক্ষেত্রে

গ্রহিতার সেবা প্রদান নিমিত্তে আবেদন, ফি জমা রশিদ

ফরম প্রাপ্তিস্থানসংশ্লিষ্ট বিভাগ/ওয়েবসাইট

প্রতি কপি ২৫ টাকা

(সরাসরি উত্তোলনের ক্ষেত্রে)

হিসাব নং- CD-383

হিসাব নামঃ ডকুমেন্ট ভেরিফিকেশন

অগ্রণী ব্যাংক লিঃ, খুবি শাখা।


১-৩ দিন

জনাব শেখ শারাফাত আলী

পরীক্ষা নিয়ন্ত্রক


[email protected]

[email protected]



সনদ গ্রহণ



ডিসিপ্লিন প্রধানের মাধ্যমে আবেদন

সনদপত্রের ফটোকপি

(জিডি কপি, পত্রিকায় বিজ্ঞপ্তি ও  ফি জমা রশিদ

ফরম প্রাপ্তিস্থান: পরীক্ষা নিয়ন্ত্রণ বিভাগ

সনদপত্রের ধরণ অনুযায়ী

(বিভাগ হতে জেনে নিতে হবে)

হিসাব নং- 186 (ফি বুকের মাধ্যমে)

অগ্রণী ব্যাংক লিঃ, খুবি শাখা।


১-৭ কর্মদিবস

কক্ষ নং 311

জনাব শেখ শারাফাত আলী

পরীক্ষা নিয়ন্ত্রক (ভারপ্রাপ্ত)


[email protected]

[email protected]


 সনদপত্র সংশোধন করা


ডিসিপ্লিন প্রধানের মাধ্যামে আবেদন করতে হবে

সনদপত্রের ফটোকপি

ফরম প্রাপ্তিস্থান: পরীক্ষা নিয়ন্ত্রণ বিভাগ


(তবে ইস্যুকৃত/বিতরণকৃত সনদপত্রসমূহের ক্ষেত্রে পুনরায় ফি প্রদান করতে হবে।) 

GS-১৫০/-,EC-১৫০/-,PVC-৩০০/- Transcript-৩০০/-


১-৭ কর্মদিবস

কক্ষ নং 311

জনাব শেখ শারাফাত আলী

পরীক্ষা নিয়ন্ত্রক (ভারপ্রাপ্ত)


[email protected]

[email protected]


সার্টিফিকেট সংগ্রহ

ডিগ্রীপ্রাপ্ত শিক্ষার্থীদের



ডিসিপ্লিন প্রধানের মাধ্যামে আবেদন করতে হবে

নির্ধারিত ফর্মে ডিসিপ্লিন প্রধানের সুপারিশসহ আবেদন, ফি জমা রশিদ

ফরম প্রাপ্তিস্থানসংশ্লিষ্ট দপ্তর/ওয়েবসাইট



হিসাব নং- 186 (ফি বুকের মাধ্যমে)

অগ্রণী ব্যাংক লিঃ, খুবি শাখা।

১-৭ দিন

সময়ঃ বিকাল 3.00টা

প্রতি সোমবার এবং বূধবার

কক্ষ নং 311

জনাব শেখ শারাফাত আলী

পরীক্ষা নিয়ন্ত্রক


[email protected]

[email protected]







পুলিশ কর্তৃক

দেশের মধ্যে

প্রতিষ্ঠান কর্তৃক আবেদন
বৈদেশিক প্রতিষ্ঠান কর্তৃক/ প্রতিষ্ঠানে আবেদন


প্রতি সার্টিফিকেট ২০০/- (ডাক মাশুল ব্যতীত),হিসাব নং- CD-383,হিসাব নামঃ ডকুমেন্ট ভেরিফিকেশন, অগ্রণী ব্যাংক লিঃ, খুবি শাখা।

প্রতি কপি ১০ ডলার (বৈদেশিক ক্ষেত্রে ডাক মাশুল ব্যতীত),

হিসাব নং-CD-383, হিসাব নামঃ ডকুমেন্ট ভেরিফিকেশন, অগ্রণী ব্যাংক লিঃ খুবি শাখা।




১-৩ দিন


জনাব শেখ শারাফাত আলী

পরীক্ষা নিয়ন্ত্রক


[email protected]

[email protected]


পরীক্ষার খাতা পুনর্মূল্যায়ণ

ফলাফল প্রকাশের 15 কার্যদিবসের মধ্যে ডিসিপ্লিন প্রধানের মাধ্যামে আবেদন করতে হবে

লিখিত আবেদনপত্র, সংশ্লিষ্ট গ্রেডশীট, ফি জমা রশিদ

ফরম প্রাপ্তিস্থানসংশ্লিষ্ট বিভাগ

কোর্স প্রতি 1,500/ টাকা ,হিসাব নং- 186 (ফি বুকের মাধ্যমে)

অগ্রণী ব্যাংক লিঃ খুবি শাখা।


সাধারণত 1 হতে 2 মাস

জনাব শেখ শারাফাত আলী

পরীক্ষা নিয়ন্ত্রক


[email protected]

[email protected]


 গ্রেডশীট প্রদান

টার্ম ফলাফল প্রকাশের 03 কার্যদিবসের মধ্যে


কক্ষ নং 303


কক্ষ নং 303
সময়ঃ সকাল 10.30মিঃ হতে দুপুর 12.30 মিঃ


বৈদেশিক সংস্থা/বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে ইলেকট্রনিক সার্টিফিকেট






ফরম প্রাপ্তিস্থান:

সংশ্লিষ্ট বিভাগ/ওয়েবসাইট

প্রতি কপি ১০ ডলার (ডাক মাশুল ব্যতীত), হিসাব নং-CD-383,হিসাব নামঃ ডকুমেন্ট ভেরিফিকেশন, অগ্রণী ব্যাংক লিঃ খুবি শাখা এবং প্রযোজ্য ক্ষেত্রে এক্সপ্রেস কুরিয়ার ফি (অফিসে জমা দিতে হবে)


সর্বোচ্চ 02 দিন

জনাব প্রকৌঃ আসিফ রুবাইয়াৎ হোসেন

সিস্টেম এনালিষ্ট

[email protected]



সার্টিফিকেটসমুহ ECA করণ


আবেদনের মাধ্যমে

ফরম প্রাপ্তিস্থান:

বৈদেশিক প্রতিষ্ঠান কর্তৃক/ প্রতিষ্ঠানে আবেদন

প্রতি কপি ১০ ডলার (ডাক মাশুল ব্যতীত)

হিসাব নং-CD-383, হিসাব নামঃ ডকুমেন্ট ভেরিফিকেশন

অগ্রণী ব্যাংক লিঃ খুবি শাখা এবং এক্সপ্রেস কুরিয়ার ফি (অফিসে জমা দিতে হবে)


সর্বোচ্চ 02 দিন

জনাব প্রকৌঃ আসিফ রুবাইয়াৎ হোসেন

সিস্টেম এনালিষ্ট

[email protected]