Dr. Rumana Rana

Dr.  Rumana Rana is working as Professor in Forestry and Wood Technology Discipline of Khulna University, Bangladesh. She received her B.Sc. (Hons.) degree in 1998 and MS in 2002 on Forestry from Forestry and Wood Technology Discipline, Khulna University, Bangladesh. Before joining the university, she served as an Assistant Conservator of Forests (ACF) in the Forest Department of Bangladesh Government. She completed her PhD (2004-2008) in the department of tree physiology from Georg-August University, Goettingen, Germany under DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) fellowship. Afterwards she worked as a Postdoctoral fellow (Erasmus Mundus fellowship in 2014 and 2015) in the same department. She was also awarded DAAD re-invitation fellowship (2011 and 2016). Her research focuses on wood anatomy, wood component analysis by FTIR spectroscopy, study of hydraulic architecture of different wood species. Currently she was appointed as DAAD Research Ambassador for 2022-2025 to promote higher education and research in Germany by supporting the goals and objectives of the DAAD.

Visiting fellowship: 2016

Department of Tree Physiology

Georg August University, Goettingen, Germany.

Postdoctoral fellow: 2015

Department of Tree Physiology

Georg August University, Goettingen, Germany.

Postdoctoral fellow: 2014

Department of Tree Physiology

Georg August University, Goettingen, Germany.

Visiting fellowship: 2011

Department of Tree Physiology

Georg August University, Goettingen, Germany.

PhD in Wood Biology and Technology: 2008

Department of Tree Physiology

Georg August University, Goettingen, Germany.

MSc: 2002

Forestry and Wood Technology Discipline
Khulna University (KU), Bangladesh.

BSc. (Hons.): 1998

Forestry and Wood Technology Discipline
Khulna University (KU), Bangladesh.

-Analysis of wood chemical components by spectroscopic method

-Functional anatomy of tropical hardwood species

-Study of hydraulic architecture of different wood species 

Current Research Project/Collaboration

SL Title Research Role Awarded Date Completion Date Funding Agency
No Research Project Available

Academic Positions


 2012 - to date: Professor, Forestry and Wood Technology Discipline, Khulna University,       Bangladesh.

 2008-2012: Associate Professor, Forestry and Wood Technology Discipline, Khulna University,   Bangladesh.

 2003-2008: Assistant Professor, Forestry and Wood Technology Discipline, Khulna University,   Bangladesh.

2002-2003: Lecturer,  
Forestry and Wood Technology Discipline, Khulna University,   Bangladesh.


  Professional Experiences/Trainings/Workshops


  Visiting fellowship: 2016

  Department of Tree Physiology

  Georg August University, Goettingen, Germany.

Postdoctoral fellow: 2015

Department of Tree Physiology

Georg August University, Goettingen, Germany.

Postdoctoral fellow: 2014

Department of Tree Physiology

Georg August University, Goettingen, Germany.

Visiting fellowship: 2011

Department of Tree Physiology

Georg August University, Goettingen, Germany.


   Assistant Conservator of Forests (ACF): 2001-2002 Forest Department of Bangladesh

Responsibilities: Forest development planning, forest management and administration

Successfully completed the post-graduate course on “Wood structure, properties and biological degradation” from the department of Wood Science in Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.

Participated in the course on “Scientific writing” organized by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, George-August University, Göttingen, Germany.

Participated in the course titled “Innovation through heterogeneity- Tools for integrated transdisciplinary research” organized by the Wood Biology and Technology Institute, George- August University, Göttingen, Germany.

Successfully completed a course on “Information resources and electronic publishing” in the George-August University, Göttingen, Germany.

Training on “Social Science Research Methodology” organized by Khulna University Research Cell.

Successfully completed the six months German language course from the Goethe-Institute, Göttingen, Germany.

Participated in the course of “Intercultural communication, corporate identity and change management” in the George-August University, Göttingen, Germany.

Training on “Social Science Research Methodology” organized by Khulna University Research Cell.

Reviewer of Journals

  • Bangladesh Journal of Forest Science
  • Philippine Journal of Science
  • Forests (MDPI)
  • Molecules (MDPI)


 Appointed as DAAD Research Ambassador for 2022-2025 to promote higher education and research in Germany by supporting the goals and objectives of the DAAD.


No Data Available


SL Title Degree Role Start Date End Date
No Supervision Available

No Data Available

coming soon...

Complete list of publications of Rumana Rana (PhD)

International journal articles (published with peer review process):

1. Ghosh, R.K., Rana, R., Mazumdar, S. (2021): Effect of age and site quality on the wood properties of Albizia richardiana (Voigt) King and Prain. Research Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences. 9(2): 27-31.


2. Yang,N., Butenschoen, O., Rana, R., Köhler, L., Hertel, D., Leuschner, C., Scheu, S., Polle, A., Pena, R. (2019): Leaf litter species identity influences biochemical composition of ectomycorrhizal fungi. Mycorrhiza. 29: 85–96.

3. Rana, R., Herz, K., Bruelheide, H., Dietze, S., Haider, S., Jandt, U., Pena, R. (2018): Leaf Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR-FTIR) biochemical profile of grassland plant species related to land-use intensity. Ecological Indicators. 84: 803–810.

4. Ghosh, R.K., Rahman, M.M., Das, A.K., Rana, R., Shams, Md. I. (2015): Introducing Areca catechu as a raw material of cement-bonded board through determining the properties of Areca catechu cement-bonded board. Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science. 12(2): 99–103.

5. Islam, M.I., Das, A.K., Zaman, M.S., Rana, R., Shams, Md. I. (2014): Using of rice straw (Oryza sativa L.) for better purposes fabricating and evaluating of physical and mechanical properties of fiberboard made from rice straw (Oryza sativa L.). International Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (IJAST). 2(3): 93-96. 

6. Zaman, M.S., Das, A.K., Shams, Md. I., Rana, R., Rahman, M.M., Biswas, S.K. (2013): Physical and mechanical properties of agriculture plastic composite made from jute (Corchorus olitorius l.) and dhaincha (Sesbania cannabina retz.). International Journal of Wood Science, Technology and Forestry.   1(1): 001-008.

7. Rana, R., Heyser, R.L., Finkeldey, R., Polle, A. (2010): FTIR spectroscopy, chemical and histochemical characterisation of wood and lignin of five tropical timber wood species of the family of Dipterocarpaceae. Wood Science and Technology. 44: 225-242.

8. Rana, R., Heyser, R.L., Finkeldey, R., Polle, A. (2009): Functional anatomy of five endangered tropical timber wood species of the family Dipterocarpaceae. Trees-Structure and Function. 23: 521-529.

9. Rana, R., Müller, G., Naumann, A., Polle, A. (2008): FTIR spectroscopy in combination with principal component analysis or cluster analysis as a tool to distinguish beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) trees grown at different sites. Holzforschung. 62: 530-538.

10. Rana, R. (2008): Correlation between anatomical/chemical wood properties and genetic markers as a means of wood certification. Dissertation, Klartext GmbH, Göttingen, ISBN 978-3-9811503-2-2.

11. Mollick, A. S., Sajjaduzzaman, Md., Rakkibu, Md. G., Rana, R., Kamal, Md. T. (2005): Stand quality assessment of Teak (Tectona grandis). International Journal of Agriculture and Biology. 7(4): 543-546.



National journal articles (published with peer review process):

12. Rana, R., Villarin, R. A., Gailing, O., Finkeldey, R., Polle, A. (2012): Height growth, wood density and molecular markers to distinguish five tree species of Dipterocarpaceae grown at same site. Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research. 47(4): 407-414.

13. Shovon, T. A., Rakkibu, Md. G., Islam, Md. W., Rana, R. (2011): Local residents’ perception on co-management: A case study at Lawachara National Park. First Bangladesh Forestry Congress, 19-21 April 2011, Dhaka, organized by Bangladesh Forest Department.

14. Ashaduzzaman, Md., Rana, R., Khan, M. N. H., Shams, Md. I. (2011): Suitability of Muli bamboo (Melocanna baccifera) for making bamboo mat plywood. Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research. 46(4): 543-548.

15. Rakkibu, Md. G., Kyser, M. A., Rana, R. (2004): Economic potential of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) monoculture and rubber-agroforestry Systems: A case study of northern Bangladesh. Khulna University Studies. 5(1): 7-9.

16. Rakkibu, Md. G., Rana, R., Khan, M. M. U.  (2003): Impacts of agroforestry on soil chemical properties in Dinajpur Forest Division of Bangladesh. Khulna University Studies. 5(2): 63-69.

17. Rakkibu, Md. G., Islam, Md.W., Rana, R. (2002): Comparative financial evaluation of homestead agroforesty, cropland agroforestry and annual cropping at Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Khulna University Studies. 4(1): 707-711.


Poster presentation:

Rana, R., Heyser, R. L., Finkeldey, R., Polle, A. (2011): Diversity of wood traits of five endangered Dipterocarpaceae of the Philippines: a biodiversity hotspot. Poster presented in Functions and Services of Biodiversity-an International Scientific Conference held in Göttingen, Germany from 20-22nd June, 2011.


Wood Physics and Mechanics


Wood Structure and Properties

Sawmilling, Saw Doctoring and Wood Working

Wood Chemistry and Biopolymer


Wood Modification and Properties Improvement

Industrial Wood Processing and Engineering


Wood Properties and Utilization


Wood Science and Technology

  • Wood Physics and Mechanics
  • Wood Structure and Properties
  • Sawmilling, Saw Doctoring and Wood Working
  • Wood Chemistry and Biopolymer
  • Wood Modification and Properties Improvement
  • Industrial Wood Processing and Engineering
  • Wood Properties and Utilization
  • Wood Science and Technology