
SL Title Date
1 MS Admission Guideline 2023 07-12-2022
2 MS Thesis defense 15-09-2021
3 FWT Discipline All Year Online exam routine for 2019-2020 session 09-09-2021
4 Online exam dates for life science school 28-08-2021
5 Online exam dates for life science school 28-08-2021
6 Board scholarship and Masters scholarship related notice (URGENT) Board scholarship and Masters scholarship related notice (URGENT) 28-08-2021
7 Exam Routine and seat arrangement (4th Year, Term-II (old syllabus) 2019-20 session) & (MS, Term-II, 2018-19 Session) 17-08-2021
8 Training for Increasing Familiarity and Competence in Science Communication (MS Students) 25-07-2021
9 Exam Notice and Routine for 4th year (Old Syllabus) (19-20 session) and MS II (18-19 session) 17-06-2021
10 Scholarship for Masters Students 02-06-2021
11 বঙ্গবন্ধু স্কলার নির্বাচন ও বৃত্তি প্রদান বিজ্ঞপ্তি 23-03-2021
12 Student Loan upto 60000 @7% from Agrani Bank, KU 20-02-2021
13 MS (19 Batch) Thesis Submission Date 25-11-2020
14 4th Year (17 batch) Thesis Submission Date 25-11-2020
15 Grameen Phone Sim Activation for Student 22-11-2020
16 Loan for purchasing Smartphone 05-11-2020
17 Notice about GP SIM data package 27-09-2020
18 Notice: Availing GP SIM for online class for KU students 16-09-2020
19 Class Routine 2020 Second Term 27-08-2020
20 Notice related to student loan 16-08-2020
21 Notice related to Masters Thesis Defense 2020 16-08-2020
22 Call for Case Studies: Gender equality and Wetlands conservation 03-08-2020
23 Online Registration form for FWT Discipline 23-07-2020
24 Offered Courses of FWT Discipline for Term II, 2020 23-07-2020
25 Notice (Online registration for term II, 2020) 23-07-2020