Factors Affecting Academic Performance of Mathematical Science Students of Public Universities in Bangladesh: Multilevel Modelling Approach

  1. Title of the project "Factors Affecting Academic Performance of Mathematical Science Students of Public Universities in Bangladesh: Multilevel Modelling Approach". Research and Innovation center (RIC), Khulna University.

        Objective(s) of the Project:

In this research study, realizing the importance of students’ academic performance at university level the following specific objectives are set to find the academic performances of mathematical science departmental (mathematics, statistics, physics, CSE etc.) students of public universities in Bangladesh:


               I.     To explore the factors affecting academic performance of public university students’ using multilevel modelling approach.

       II.   To compare the factors affecting students’ academic performance according to gender of students using multilevel analysis.

    III.  To relate the salient features in rural-urban differentiations of students’ in academic performance using multilevel analysis.

     IV. To equate the significant factors for measuring the students’ academic performance according to father’s working status using the model.

Role Principal Investigator
Funding Agency National
Awarded Date 2022-2023
Completion Date Running