Dr. Md. Nazmus Sadath

Dr. Md. Nazmus Sadath is working on the Forest and Environment Policy & Governance, Wildlife and Nature Conservation, Blue economy, Climate change and Forest, UN-REDD, Carbon sequestration and emission assessment. Dr. Sadath Obtained his PhD from Georg August University of Germany. There he developed an Analytical Policy Program Model for forest- climate policy analysis for assessing impact of Media Discourse on Policy outcome. Dr. Sadath have M.Sc. degrees one in Forest and Nature Conservation from Wageningen University, The Netherlands and another in Forestry (Major Forest Management) from Khulna University, Bangladesh.

Apart from working as Professor, Dr. Sadath is also rendering his service an intermittent consultant for different research and development projects, Nationally and Internationally.

Dr. Sadath is also active in various national and international social association and research network. Currently Dr. Sadath is serving as Deputy Coordinator IUFRO working party 9.05.06 on Community Forestry Under division 9

PhD in Forest Climate Policy, George-August University, Goettingen, Germany

M.Sc. in Forest and Nature Conservation, Wageningen University and Research Center, Wageningen, The Netherlands 

M.Sc. in Forestry (major in forest management) , Khulna University 

B.Sc. (hons) in Forestry, Khulna University, Bangladesh 

Forest and Environment Policy & Governance 

REDD and Blue Economy 

Wildlife and Nature Conservation 

Forest Management and Participatory Natural Resource Management 

Current Research Project/Collaboration

SL Title Research Role Awarded Date Completion Date Funding Agency
1 Site Specific Plan and ODK Development Principal Investigator January 2021 July 2022 National
2 Study on interaction between Haor and River ecosystem including development of wetland and sustainable Wetland management Framework Co-Principal Investigator June 2017 June 2021 National
3 Strategy for Tiger Conservation in The Sundarbans Reserve Forest: Predator to Prey and Habitat relation Principal Investigator June 2016 July 2018 National
4 Potential Impact assessment of Rampal coal based power plant project on the Sundarbans Principal Investigator January 2014 December 2014 International
5 Stakeholder Analysis for Sustainable Development and Biodiversity Conservation in Coastal (Protection) Forests, Bangladesh (SDBC-Sundarbans) Principal Investigator September 2013 December 2014 International
6 Monitoring biodiversity indicators: an end line survey of biodiversity indices and community perception Co-Principal Investigator June 2015 December 2015 International
7 Assessment of per capita CO2 emission from households’ fuel wood consumption in and around the forest areas of Bangladesh Principal Investigator July 2018 June2019 National
8 Challenges in Achieving REDD+ for climate change mitigation: From local actions to national commitments Principal Investigator September 2019 cont. National

Dr. Md. Nazmus Sadath is working on the Forest and Environment Policy & Governance, Wildlife and Nature Conservation, Blue economy, Climate Change and Forest, UN-REDD, Carbon sequestration and emission assessment, Co-management of Natural Resources. Apart from working as professor, Dr. Sadath is also rendering his service an intermittent consultant for different research and development projects, Nationally and Internationally. Dr. Sadath has successfully completed several assignments like Site Specific Planning for forest Restoration, Forest Biodiversity Assessment, Biomass Carbon Assessment, Feasibility and Environment impact study of projects, Wetland management Framework preparation, Geo-spatial study, Wildlife conservation strategy.

Dr. Sadath is also active in various national and international social association and research network. Currently Dr. Sadath is serving as Deputy Coordinator IUFRO working party 9.05.06 on Community Forestry Under division 9. Dr. Sadath is serving the Society of Experts on Environmental Development (SEED) as Joint Secretary. Dr. Sadath is also serving Institute of Foresters Bangladesh (IFB) as  Research and Development Secretary. 

No Data Available


SL Title Degree Role Start Date End Date
No Supervision Available

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Publications lists (Selected)


Sadath, M. N., (2012), Media as a Driver of Policy Change? The Example of Forest-Climate Policy in Bangladesh, Giessen:  VVB LAUFERSWEILER VERLAG

Book chapters

Sadath, M.N., Schusser, C. Kabir, M.E. (2017). Chapter 6: Actor-Centered Interest Power Analysis of Participatory Biodiversity Conservation Policy Program in and Around the Bangladeshi Sundarbans. In Participatory Mangrove Management in a Changing Climate: Perspectives from the Asia-Pacific, Japan: Springer ISBN No.: 978-4-431-56479-9.  Chapter DOI: 10.1007/978-4-431-56481-2_6

Sadath, M. N. (2014). Is Forest a problem solver of climate change? Communicating Science in the national print media discourse of Bangladesh and Germany compared to international media. In Cutting Edge Science & Technologies for Food, Environment and Health. Jodhpur, India: Agrobios (International).ISBN No.: 978-93-81191-03-3


Peer reviewed journal publication ( Selected)

Mollick, A. S., Roy, M., Islam, M. W., Sadath, M. N. (2021). Assessing good governance in protected areas (PAs) co-management  A case study in the Sundarbans mangrove forests of Bangladesh. Journal of Sustainable Forestry,

Khan, M. N. I., Islam M. R., Rahman, A., Azad, M. S., Mollick, A. S., Kamruzzaman, M., Sadath, M. N., Feroz, S. M., Rakkibu, M. G., Knohl, A. (2020). Allometric relationships of stand level carbon stocks to basal area, tree height and wood density of nine tree species in Bangladesh. Global Ecology and Conservation 22 e01025.

Mollick, A. S., Rahman, K. M., Khan, M. N. I., Sadath, M. N. (2018). Evaluation of good governance in a participatory forestry program: a case study in Madhupur Sal forests of Bangladesh. Forest Policy Econ., 95: 123-137.

Khan, M. N. I., Shil, M. C., Azad, M. S., Sadath, M. N., Feroz, S. M., Mollick, A. S. (2018). Allometric relationships of stem volume and stand level carbon stocks at varying      stand density in Swietenia macrophylla King plantations, Bangladesh. For. Ecol. Manage.,    430: 639-648.

Rahman, M.S., Sarker, P.K., Sadath, M.N. Giessen, L., (2018), Policy changes resulting in power changes? Quantitative evidence from 25 years of forest policy development in Bangladesh, Land Use Policy, V 70, pp 419-431   doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2017.11.029

Rahman., M.S., Sadath, M.N., Giessen, L., ( 2016). Foreign donors driving policy change in recipient countries: Three decades of development aid towards community-based forest policy in Bangladesh, Forest Policy and Economics. V 68, pp 39-53 doi:10.1016/j.forpol.2016.03.013

Sadath, M.N., Rahman, S., (2016). Forest in Crisis: 2 Decades of Media Discourse analysis of Bangladesh Forest Policy and Economics. V 68, pp 16-21, doi:10.1016/j.forpol.2016.03.003

Schusser, C., Krott, M., Logmani, J., Sadath, M.N., Yufanyi, M., Salla, M., (2013), Community Forestry in Germany, a Case Study Seen through the Lens of the International Model, .Journal of Sustainable Development.V6 No 9 pp 88-100

Sadath, M.N., Kleinschmit, D., Giessen, L. (2013). Framing the Tiger - a Biodiversity Concern in National and International Media Reporting. Forest Policy and Economics. V 36, pp 37-41. DOI: 10.1016/j.forpol.2013.03.001

Sadath, M.N., Krott, M. (2013).Can Print Media Discourse Drive Forest Policy Change in Bangladesh? Journal of Sustainable Development, V6 No 5pp 1-11.DOI:10.5539/jsd.v6n5p1

Sadath, M.N., Krott, M., Schusser, C. (2013). Forest-Climate Politics in Bangladesh’s Media Discourse in Comparison to Global Media Discourse, Open Journal of Forestry. Vol.3, No.1, pp1-7

Sadath, M.N. and Krott, M. (2012). Identifying policy change — Analytical program analysis: An example of two decades of forest policy in Bangladesh, Forest Policy and Economics, V 25, pp 93-99. DOI:

M. W. Islam, M. M. Islam and M. N. Sadath , (2012), Contributions of Agroforestry Practice Towards Reducing Poverty at  Keshabpur Upazila of Jessore District – A Case Study, Journal of  Environmental  Science  & Natural Resources, 5(2): 267 - 274 ,

M. Kamruzzaman, M. A. Rahman, A.S. Mollick, and M.N. Sadath, “Soil in Relation to Mortality of Sissoo (Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.)”,  Journal of Timber Development Association of India Vol53. No. 3&4: July 2008 pp 50-60

MM Rahman, M N Sadath, M. Kamruzzaman and M Saifuzzaman (December, 2007). Phytochemical and pharmacological investigation of Exoecaria agallocha Linn (Gewa) Latex: A study on its medicinal significance”, South Asian Journal of Agriculture, Vol2. No. (1&2): pp 75-78

M N Sadath, AKF Hoque and M Kamruzzaman, (December 2007). “Study on the development of seed storage technique for Sonneratia apetala”, South Asian Journal of Agriculture, Vol2. No.(1&2): pp 79-84

Sadath M.N, Rahman, S; Kamruzzaman, and Ali, M. (2005). “Value Change Along the Timber Marketing Channel In Bangladesh”, Business Review, V5, No 1, pp 39-47


Conference Paper

Sadath. M.N., Islam. M.W., Palash, A.A.M. 2022. Biodiversity and carbon sequestration assessments for wetland Management framework in the Wetlands in Bangladesh for climate mitigation and adaptation. Proceedings of XV World Forestry Congress, Seoul, South Korea 2022.

Sadath. 2019. Multidimensional economic activities in the coastal region of Bangladesh and strategies to harness the full potentials of the rejoin, Presented as Keynote speaker at the conference on ‘Contributions of local coastal communities in the development of blue economy’. Organized by Bangladesh Maritime Research and Development (BIMRAD) at Bangladesh Navy, Titumir Base, Khulna, held on 24 Dec 2019. 

Sadath, M.N., Mollick, A. S., and Islam, M.W., Forest governance challenges and opportunities in Bangladesh: institutionalization of co-management as the local level solution under UN-REDD regime, Proceedings of XXV International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) World Congress, 29 Sept – 5 Oct 2019, Curitiba, Brazil.

Sadath, M.N and Islam, M.W., Assessment of per capita CO2 emission from households’ fuel wood consumption in and around the forest areas of Bangladesh, Proceedings of XXV International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) World Congress, 29 Sept – 5 Oct 2019, Curitiba, Brazil.

Islam, M.W. and Sadath, M.N. 2019. Nature-based tourism governance in addressing paradigm shifting challenges in managing the protected areas of Bangladesh.

Sadath M.N, Islam, A. (2015). A study on attitude of local community on human-tiger conflict in Sundarbans, Bangladesh. XIV WORLD FORESTRY CONGRESS, Durban, South Africa, 7-11 September 2015

Sadath, M. (2014). Science in forest policy program and political discussion: the example of Bangladeshi forest policy program and print media discourse. The International Forestry Review Vol.16 (5), XXIV IUFRO World Congress, 5–11 October 2014, Salt Lake City, USA

Sadath, M. (2014). Forest offenders become the protector of the forest: a case study from inland Sal forest, Bangladesh. The International Forestry Review Vol.16 (5), XXIV IUFRO World Congress, 5–11 October 2014, Salt Lake City, USA

Islam, M. W., & Sadath, M. (2014), Co-management approach to protect the protected areas: realistic or naive? The International Forestry Review Vol.16 (5), XXIV IUFRO World Congress, 5–11 October 2014, Salt Lake City, USA

Islam, M. W., Rupa, M., & Sadath, M. (2014). Assessment of tourism impacts towards sustainable co-management approach- a case study at Satchari National Park, Bangladesh., The International Forestry Review Vol.16 (5), XXIV IUFRO World Congress, 5–11 October 2014,Salt Lake City, USA

Islam, M., Khatun, T. & Sadath, M. (2014), Performance of joint community patrolling at Lawachara National Park, Bangladesh. The International Forestry Review Vol.16 (5), XXIV IUFRO World Congress, 5–11 October 2014, Salt Lake City, USA

Islam, M., Baishnab,S. & Sadath, M. (2014).Prospects for strengthening social forestry in the coastal areas through introducing mangrove species at Shyamnagar upazila in Satkhira district, Bangladesh. The International Forestry Review Vol.16 (5), XXIV IUFRO World Congress, 5–11 October 2014, Salt Lake City, USA

Sadath, M. N. & Islam, M. W. (2013), Forestry Higher Education: A comparison among the Germany and Bangladesh, Proceedings of the International Conference on Academic Enhancement, June 18, 2013. Published by URP Discipline, Khulna University, and Khulna, Bangladesh.


Forestry for the Community Development


Forest and Environment Policy and Governance


Research Methodology

  • Forestry for the Community Development
  • Forest and Environment Policy and Governance
  • Research Methodology