Monisa saha

Father’s Name             : Mukul Kanti Saha
Mother’s Name         : Sanchita Saha

Date of Birth            01/01/1995

Blood Group                 : AB +

Permanent Address     Vill: Baroipara, Post: Nawagram, P.S: Kalia, Dist: Narail

Present Address            : 44/3, Samsur Rahaman Road, Khulna, Bangladesh

Nationality                  Bangladeshi


Career Objective:

"Art is a kind of reaction and the result of worldly and physical experiences" -I believe. I want to succeed in an environment of growth, excellence & earn a job which provides me job satisfaction, selfdevelopment & helps me to utilize my proven subject oriented skills to achieve personal as well as organizational goals. 

MVA (Master of Visual Arts)

Dept. of Visual Arts- Painting

University of Rajasthan,

Jaipur, India. 2020

BFA (Bachelor of Fine Arts)

Drawing & Painting Discipline

Fine Arts School,

Khulna University, Bangladesh. 2017

No Data Available 

Current Research Project/Collaboration

SL Title Research Role Awarded Date Completion Date Funding Agency
No Research Project Available

Teaching Experiences

Lecturer : 18.09.2023-Onwards 

Guest Teacher- Fashion Design Department, Khulna Collegiate Girls' School and KCC Women's College, 2024

Training & Workshop Experiences

2024 Journal Article Review, organized by  IQAC 

(Institutional Quality Assurance Cell), Khulna University.

2024 Assess to Higher Study and Scholarship, organized by IQAC 

(Institutional Quality Assurance Cell), Khulna University.

2023 Introduction to KU Program and Examination Ordinances, organized by IQAC (Institutional Quality Assurance Cell), Khulna University.


1. THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES (ICHSS), organized by Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University, 18-19 February 2024

2. Attended as a Delegate of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Asia Youth International Model United Nations (AYIMUN) “Human Security Agenda in The Globalized World” at Putrajaya, Malaysia, 25th-28th August, 2019

3. Attended as a Delegate of United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs Organization (UNCND) at Model United Nations (MUN) held on 30th August- 1st September, 2019 at Manipal University Jaipur, India.
4. Attend as a Delegate of United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW) at E- (MUN) Model United Nations held on 20-21 June, 2020 at Manipal University Jaipur, India

5. International Multidisciplinary e-Conference on Fine Arts, Culture, Literature, Yog, Science Technology & Innovative Research “During the Global Fight Against the COVID-19”, Organized by MEWAR UNIVERSITY, Rajasthan, India-2020

6. International Multidisciplinary e-Conference on Fine Arts, Culture, Literature, Yog, Science Technology & Innovative Research “During the Global Fight Against the COVID-19”, Organized by MEWAR UNIVERSITY, Rajasthan, India-2020

Seminar & Webinar

1. International Seminar on "Bharatiya Lalit Kala on Ka Veshvik Paridrashya Avam Samsamayikta" Organized by Department of Music, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India- 2019

2. "National Seminar on Compositional Elements of Indian Art – NSCEIA”, Organized by Department of  Drawing and Painting, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India- 2019

3. International Webinar on “Challenges In Indian Music Teaching”, Organized by Department of  Music, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India- 2020

4. National Webinar on “Covid-19 and Gender-Based Crimes”, Organized by Dept. of Law and International Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), India-14 August, 2020

Art Camps

“INTERNATIONAL Plein-Air EXPEDITION ART-ECO 2019/20: A Socio-Cultural Project”Jaipur, Organized by Shryansy International and Saint Petersburg Center for Humanitarian Programs- Russia.

“Mandana Art Camp”- Organized by Jawahar Kala Kendra, Jaipur, India- 2020


“Tempara and Wash Painting Workshop”- Organized by Department of Drawing and

Painting, University of Rajasthan -2019

“ART THERAPY Workshop”- Organized by Access Art Zone- 2019

“National/ International Art Workshop”- Organized by Kalaaakar Foundation-2019

“Acrylic Color Workshop”- Organized by Kalakriti Foundation-2019

“Acrylic Painting Workshop”- Organized by FABER CASTELL, 2019

“Festival of Education 2019” - Organized by State Guide Line Info Services, Jaipur- 2019.

International Art Camps & Workshop”, Jaipur, India- 2019


  • Best Painting Award at “ENLIGHTENMENT-International Art Exhibition”- Colombo, Sri Lanka 2019
  • Silver Award at “Nagpur-2019 All India Art Exhibition”- Jawaharlal Darda Art Gallery, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India, 2019
  • Top 10 Award in “Tri Arts- an International Exhibition” held at Jahawar Kala Kendra, Jaipur, India, 2019


SL Title Degree Role Start Date End Date
No Supervision Available

No Data Available

coming soon...

Research Article

Saha, Monisa. “Transforming Art Gallery from Physical to Virtual”

       International Journalof Multidisciplinary Research Review, April-2022, Vol-8, Issue-4, Page- 65-70, ISSN-2395-1877

Saha, Monisa. “Comparative Analysis of Pichwai Painting and Phad Painting”

     International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review, February- 2021, Vol-8, Issue-2, Page- 1-9, ISSN-2349-6738

Saha, Monisa. “Color, Theme, Artist’s Lifestyle and Aesthetical Aspects of Kalighat Paintings”

       Innovation The Research Concept, July- 2020, Vol-5, Issue-6, Page- 63-68, ISSN- 2456-5474


2021 24th National Art Exhibition-2021 arranged by Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy.

2020 22nd Young Artist Art Exhibition-2020 arranged by Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy.

2020 3rd International Visual Cultural Exhibition (IVCE#3)- VIRTUALIZATION MOVEMENTOrganized by Fine Arts and Designs of Universitas Sebelas Maret- Surakarta, Indonesia. 

2020 Delhi Art Marathon 2020 - Artizen Art Gallery, Pearey Lal Bhawan, ITO, India. 

2020 21st Kala Mela - Rajasthan Lalit Kala Academy, India. 

2019 Jaipur Art Expo 2019- Blue Pluto, Jalsa Lawn, EP Jaipur.

2019 Nepal Art Festival- Nepal Art Council, Kathmandu.

2019 VAATSLAYA- 2019 - Lalit Kala Academy, Jaipur.

2019 EXPRESSION-International Group Art Exhibition, Gandhi Art Gallery, New Delhi.

2019 Nagpur-2019 All India Art Exhibition- Jawaharlal Darda Art Gallery, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

2019 ENLIGHTENMENT -International Art Exhibition- Colombo, Sri Lanka.

2019 Kolkata Art Festival-2019, Bengal Gallery (ICCR), Kolkata. 
2019 Kala in Jaipur - Ravindra Manch, Jaipur, India-2019

2019 Women's Art Aura- Jahawar Kala Kendra, Jaipur.

2018 Art Fiesta Jaipur 2018- Shilpgram (Jaharwar Kala Kendra), Jaipur, India- 2018

History of Civilization (Section- A)

A fundamental knowledge of world civilization is necessary for students to discern the cultural influences  they play on artistic style and technique. 

Course objectives:

  • To identify and define the world's earliest civilizations and the Neolithic revolution, and describe how it shaped the development of these early civilizations. 
  • To identify, describe, and compare/ contrast the first advanced civilizations in the world- Mesopotamia, Egypt, Maya, Aztec, Inka, Indus Valley, Greek, Etruscan, Roman.

Medieval Western Art (Section- B)

The study of Medieval Art origins and techniques is essential for the development of skills such as observation and inductive reasoning in interpreting works of art both as formal structures and in relation to social and cultural contexts. From Arabian and Persian, through Mughal art, appreciation of the art forms, media, iconography, styles, and techniques of medieval Muslim visual art as expressed in painting, sculpture, ceramics, and architecture will enable recognition of each work as an individual work with its own formal integrity.


Folk Art and Culture of Bangladesh (Section-A)

The study of Bengal folk art and culture instills the ability to define folk motif and elements that can be applied in art practice and connection the arts to other socially relevant areas. 

Course Objectives:

  • In Folk Arts and crafts student will explore ways in wich objects have provided for the practical, religious and spiritual need of culture, past and present.
  • To emphasis is placed on connection among and between arts and other subject area.
  • To discuss the importance of using total imagination when creating a piece of art.


History of Art

This history and development of western visual art from prehistoric times is essential to a comprehensive appreciation of the form, line, color, mass, volume, light and texture of significant works of visual art.

Course Objectives: 

  • Learn how to look art, analyze, and describe works of visual art, using suchelements as form, line, color, mass and volume, light and texture.
  • Examine, understsnd, and enjoy reproduction of significant works of visual art. 
  • Within the historic parameters of the course, achieve a general overview of the history and development of visual art, its major periods, movements, concepts, and artists and its historical, social, cultural, religious and political contexts.


Aesthetic and Art Appreciation (Section- B)

In order to understand the importance of art in today's world and purposes art has served from prehistoric through modern times in verity of cultures both western and nonwestern. The fundamental principes of aesthetic and art appreciation are essential. By engaging with such subjects as Etymology, Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art, New Criticism and the International Fallacy, post-modern aesthetics and paychoanalysis, aesthetics and science, truth as beauty and mathematics, an emerging ability to define and from an apparition of and a satisfying experience in the arts will emerge.

Course Objectives:

  • From an appreciation of and a satisfying experience in the arts.
  • Introducing the importance of art in today's world and purposes art has served from prehistoric through modern times in verity of cultures both western and non-western. 
  • Placing art in context with family, politics, religion, sexuality, social protest and entertainment enables student to gain an insight into the significance of creativity in its many physical manifestations.



This course is aimed at providing the necessary inputs for practical work and developing the learner's familiarity with composition and discovery with line, tone, texture and scale focusing on composition.

Course Objectives:

  • To apply values to create the illusion of 3 dimensions and the properties of light.
  • To draw using various kinds of media as pencil, charcoal, ink and brush, pen etc.
  • To receive practical experience and develop skills and confidence in gesture drawing.
  • To demonstrate accuracy through measuring, observation and mapping.


Sketching from Life

This intensive study of the surroundings explores issues of landscape sceneries with light, shade, form, structure, volume, movements and composition for students to construct their imaginations. This course is intended to be an academic move toward sketch from life.

Course Objectives: 

  • Explain fundamental rules of foreshortening, perspective and light-shade. 
  • To demonstrate basic posture and drawing material handling techniques.
  • To demonstrate varied applications of line quality, tonal variation, textured and atmospheric qualities.
  • Become familiar with compositional subjects related to gesture, landscape, still life. 


Visual Cityscape I

The purpose of this course is to show the learners how to apply their previous knowledge of advanced oil color techniques to individual artwork on a visual cityscape and apply the elements of art and composition in their cityscape paintings.

Course Objectives:

  • Learn basic composition and painting skills as they apply to artwork.
  • Students will apply the oil color techniques in their painting.
  • Apply the elements of art and composition in their paintings.


Comprechensive Art Work and Final Display

This course will further explore the historical relationship between drawing and painting. Students will utilize drawing as preliminary studies for painting as well as finished work of art. Students will also develop drawing and painting for their exhibitions and graduate school portfolios.

Course Objectives:

  • To examine construction methods and make improvements through evalution
  • To practice commitment and ongoing development in the study of art.
  • To create functional, painting forms using various painting methods.
  • To investigate the formulation and application of materials and techniques composition.

  • History of Civilization (Section- A)
  • Medieval Western Art (Section- B)
  • Folk Art and Culture of Bangladesh (Section-A)
  • History of Art
  • Aesthetic and Art Appreciation (Section- B)
  • Composition
  • Sketching from Life
  • Visual Cityscape I
  • Comprechensive Art Work and Final Display