Vision, Mission and Objectives


- To face the challenges and utilize the advantages of economic globalization through building up a knowledge-based economy aimed at achieving academic excellence.


- To produce competent graduates equipped with both theoretical and research based knowledge on new and cutting-edge insights in the field of agriculture, industry, environment, money and banking, international trade and other economic issues to face the challenges and utilize the advantages of globalization for achieving sustainable development with special focus on the south-west region of Bangladesh.


General Objective:

- To produce high quality graduates who are intellectually and technically competent in building careers in various fields of economics.

Specific Objectives:

· To provide basic understanding of economic theory and analytical tools that can be used in economic decision making process.

· To facilitate learners’ linking economic theories and practice with a view to solving real life problems and contributing to socio-economic and community development.

· To promote understanding of national and international economic problems and framing policy in the field of agriculture, industry, environment and other economic sectors.

· To nurture a stimulating academic environment through exchange and research collaboration with renowned scholars and professionals.

· To cultivate principles of ethics and social responsibility in the mind set of students.

· To place special focus on diagnosing the economy of the south-west region of Bangladesh.

· To comply with employability needs to meet demands for high-quality graduates.