Dr. Md. Nazmul Ahsan
Fisheries and Marine Resource Technology Discipline Khulna University, Khulna-9208 Residence: 1st floor (west), House # 414; Road # 21 KDA Nirala R/A, Khulna Tel.: (88 041) 731614 Cell: 01712 248 038
Post Doc (2008)- University of Tokyo, Japan;
PhD (2003)- University of Tokyo, Japan;
MSc. (2000)- University of Tokyo, Japan;
Post-Graduate Research (1997)- University of Tokyo, Japan;
M.S. (1991)- Bangladesh Agricultural University;
BSc. Fisheries (1989)- Bangladesh Agricultural University.
Application of molecular biology and biotechnology tools for fisheries management and increased aquaculture production; post harvest quality assurance of fishery products.
Blue Economy Research Group (BERG)
Current Research Project/Collaboration
SL | Title | Research Role | Awarded Date | Completion Date | Funding Agency |
No Research Project Available |
Institution |
Position |
From |
To |
Professor |
Jan 30, 2006 |
Date |
Associate Professor |
Jul 24, 2000 |
Jan 29, 2006 |
Assistant Professor |
Apr 1, 1998 |
Jul 23, 2001 |
Lecturer |
Jun 21, 1995 |
Mar 31, 1998 |
DFID (former
ODA), |
Biologist |
Sep 5, 1992 |
Nov 15, 1993 |
Apart from
university teaching and research over 22 years of professional experiences
under different capacities with various government agencies, NGOs and international
agencies particularly those involved in various development works in southwest
coastal region of Bangladesh.
Major positions held
with the current employer include:
v Dean of Life Science School,
Khulna University (2014-2016);
v Head of Fisheries Discipline,
Khulna University (2010-2013);
v Director of Khulna University Research Cell (2004-2007);
v Served as the members of Khulna
University Studies Editorial Board, Board of Advanced Studies, Academic Council,
Planning and Development, Syndicate etc.
v Expert Committee
member of different academic disciplines;
v Coordinator for a
number of national/local training courses/seminars/symposia;
No Data Available
SL | Title | Degree | Role | Start Date | End Date |
No Supervision Available |
No Data Available
coming soon...
International ISI-indexed
H. Harada, Y. Fujimori, R. Gomi,
M. N. Ahsan and T. Matsuda. (2018). Pathotyping of Escherichia coli isolated
from community toilet wastewater and stored drinking water in a slum in
Bangladesh. Letters Applied Microbiol,
Min-Li, C., H. Harada, S. Fujii, M.
Kodera, S. Goto, M. N. Ahsan, S. R. Saha and Akira Sakai (2017). Comparison in
Fecal Exposure Assessment of Three Transmission Pathways in a Bangladeshi Urban
Slum Community, Journal of Environment System and Engineering, 31: 145-148.
M. K. Ahmmed, F. Ahmmed, K. A.
Kabir, M. F., S. I. Ahmed and M. N. Ahsan (2017). Biochemical impacts of
salinity on the catfish, Heteropneustes
fossilis (Bloch, 1794) and possibility of their farming at low saline
water. Aquaculture Research, 48:
Rouf, M.A., Istiak, S., Shariar,
M., Sarower, M.G. and Ahsan, M.N. (2016). Taxonomic Clarification of Mud Crab
Species of Genus Scylla (Brachyura: Portunidae) Available in the Coastal
Regions of Bangladesh, Asian Fisheries Science 29:124-136.
S. M. Rahman, M. N. Ahsan, Abdullah-Al-Mamun, Md. M. Rahman, Md. M. Hasan and Md.
A. H. Chisty (2014). Evaluating the Suitability of Cryoprotectants and
Cryopreservation Solutions for Olive Barb, Puntius Sarana. Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci., India, Sect. B Biol. Sci. DOI 10.1007/s40011-014-0339-2.
S.M. Rahman, M.A. Habib, Q.Z.
Hossain, M.N. Siddiqui, M.M. Rahman and M.N.
Ahsan (2011). Embryonic development of clarias
batrachus under the influence of aeration and water flow. Ecoprint 18: 25-31;
H. Makoto, M. N. Ahsan, M. Hiroshi and S.
Watabe (2008).
CYR61 is a novel gene associated with temperature-dependent changes in fish
metabolism as revealed by cDNA microarray analysis on a medaka Oryzias latipes cell line. J. Cell. Biochem. 104:1297-310;
M. N. Islam, M. A. Hossain and M. N. Ahsan (2007). Development of a
PCR-based protocol for WSSV screening for major crustaceans inhabiting cultured
shrimp farm. Int. J. Sustain. Crop Prod. 2(4):9-17;
M. N. Ahsan, H. Aoki, and S.
Watabe (2006).Characterization of cDNA clones encoding two distinct cathepsins
with restricted expression pattern in a marine pelagic fish. Mol. Biol. Report 33: 233-241;
10. M. N. Ahsan, H. Aoki, and S. Watabe (2005). Overexpression in
Escherichia coli and functional
reconstitution of anchovy trypsinogen from bacterial inclusion body. Mol.
Biotech. 30: 193-201;
11. H. Aoki, M. N. Ahsan, and
S. Watabe (2004). Molecular and enzymatic properties of a cathepsin L-like proteinase with distinct substrate specificity from northern
shrimp (Pandalus
J. Comp. Physiol. 174B:59-69;
12. H. Aoki, M. N. Ahsan, K.
Matsuo, T. Hagiwara, and S. Watabe (2004). Partial purification of proteases
that are generated
by processing of the Northern shrimp Pandalus
borealis and which can tenderize beef. Int. J. Food Sci. Tech. 39:
13. H. Aoki, M. N. Ahsan, K.
Matsuo, T. Hagiwara, and S. Watabe (2003). Purification and Characterization of
Collagenolytic Proteases from the Hepatopancreas of Northern Shrimp (Pandalus
eous), J. Agric. Food Chem. 51: 777-783;
14. H. Aoki, M. N. Ahsan, and
S. Watabe (2003). Heterologous Expression in Pichia pastoris and Single–Step
Purification of a Cysteine Proteinase from Northern Shrimp. Prot. Expr.
Puri. 31: 213-221;
15. H. Aoki, M. N. Ahsan, and
S. Watabe (2003). Molecular Cloning and Functional Characterization of Crustapain:
a distinct cysteine proteinase with unique substrate specificity from northern
shrimp Pandalus borealis. J. Biochem. 133: 799-810;
16. Aoki, H., Ahsan, M. N. and
Watabe, S. (2003). Molecular cloning and characterization of cathepsin B from
the hepatopancreas of northern shrimp Pandalus
borealis Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 134B: 681-694;
17. Ahsan, M. N., Funabara, D. and Watabe, S. (2002). Anchovy trypsin:
Purification, cDNA cloning, and molecular modeling of two isoforms.
Fisheries Sci. 68 (Suppl.): 1563-1566;
Ahsan, M. N., Funabara, D.
and Watabe, S. (2001). Molecular cloning and characterization of two isoforms
of trypsinogen from anchovy pyloric ceca. Mar. Biotechnol. 3: 80-90;
Ahsan, M. N. and Watabe, S.
(2001). Kinetic and structural properties of two isoforms of trypsin isolated
from the viscera of Japanese anchovy, Engraulis japonicus. J. Prot.
Chem. 20 (1): 49-58;
20. Ochiai, Y., Ahmed, K., Ahsan,
M. N., Funabara, D., Nakaya, M. and Watabe, S. (2001). cDNA cloning and
deduced amino acid sequence of tropomyosin from fast skeletal muscle of white
croaker Pennahia argentata. Fisheries Sci. 67: 556-558;
Yoneda, C., Ahsan, M. N., Nakaya, M., Matsubara, Y., Ebihara,
T., Irie S., Uno, Y., Hatae, K. and Watabe, S. (2000). Abalone collagens:
immunological properties and seasonal changes of their mRNA levels. Comp.
Biochem. Physiol. 126B: 59-68.
Local Non-indexed Journals:
M.A. Asad, M.N. Ahsan and
S.K. Saha (2017). Economic analysis of rice-prawn-shrimp farming practices in
south-west coastal Bangladesh. Khulna
University Studies, 14: 129-136;
M. S. Parvez, M. A. H. Chisty, S. M. Rahman, M. N. Ahsan, S. Debnath and M. U. Ahmed (2013). Determination of in
vivo protein digestibility of different feed ingredients for walking catfish, Clarias batrachus. IRJALS 2 (5): 1 – 9;
S.M. Rahman, S.M. Asaduzzaman, M.N.
Ahsan, Q.Z. Hossain, M.M. Rahman and M.A.H. Chisty (2012). Optimizing the
stocking density is crucial for growth and survival of catfish, Clarias batrachus larvae. Int. J.
Biosci. 2:103-109;
M.M. Rahman, S.M. Rahman, M.K. Islam, H.M.R. Islam and M.N. Ahsan (2009). Aquarium business: a
case study in Khulna district, Bangladesh. Bangladesh
Res. Pub. J. 2(3):564-570;
M.M. Rahman, S.M. Rahman, M.A. Asad, M.K. Hossain and M.N. Ahsan (2009). Economic analysis of
ornamental fish trade in Khulna district of Bangladesh. Int. J. Ani. Fish. Sci. 2(2): 176-181;
M.M. Rahman, M.M. Hasan, M.M. Rahman, M. Hasan and M.N. Ahsan (2008). Mud crab (Scylla
serrata) trading in south-western region of Bangladesh. South Asian J Agri. 3(1&2):173-180;
V. Biswas, M.N. Islam, M.N. Siddiqi, and M.N. Ahsan (2008).
Optimization of DNA extraction from shrimp tissues. Khulna Univ. Studies,
9(2): 239-242;
A.A. Airin, N.M. Khatun, AM.H.B. Tareque, B. Biswas and M.N. Ahsan (2007). Status and options
for alternative livelihood of female workers in the shrimp processing
industries through utilization of shrimp processing wastes in Khulna Region. South Asian J Agri. 2: 39-44;
G. Sarker, M.M. Khatun and M.N.
Ahsan (2007). Length-weight relationship and condition factor of Puntius stigma from Chanda beel,
Gopalgonj. J. Sci. Technol. 5:
M.N. Islam, M.R Ali, M.M. Khatun, AM.H.B. Tareque and M.N. Ahsan (2006). Development of a
protocol for PCR-based rapid identification of white spot syndrome virus in the
tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon Fab. Bangladesh J Genet Biotectch 7: 55-62;
M.M. Rahman, D. Biswas, AM.H.B. Tareque and M.N. Ahsan (2006). All male and mixed sex prawn production under
poly culture with carps, Khulna Univ Studies 7:89-96;
Mondal, S.C., M.N. Ahsan,
S.M.E. Ershad, S.M. Rahman and M.M. Rahman (2006). Performance of silver carp (Hypophthallmicthys molitrix) in
integrated culture with chicken in rural polyculture ponds. Bangladesh J of Life Sci, 18:
S. M. A. Sobhan, M. M. Khatun, A. M. H. B. Tareque and M. N. Ahsan (2005). Present status of
biological waste management in shrimp processing industries of Bangladesh. J. Subtrop. Agril. Res. Dev. 3 (1):
S. C. Mondal, M. N. Ahsan,
M. H. Rashid, A. Razzaque and S. M. Rahman (2005). Production performance of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man) with
carps in polyculture system under field condition. J. Sci. Tech. 3: 36-40;
M. N. Ahsan, A. H. Airin and M. R. Ara. (2004). Alternative
livelihood options for female workers in shrimp processing industries of
Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Fish. 27
(special issue): 77;
S. M. Rahman, M. A. Bari, M. A.
Rahman, M. M. Rahman and M. N. Ahsan.
(2004). Fecundity, gonado-somatic index
(GSI) and sex ratio of snake head, Channa
punctatus (Bloch, 1974). J. Subtrop.
Agril. Res. Dev. 2 (1): 1-9;
SM Rahman; MN Haque; MN Siddiqui; H Ara and MN Ahsan. 2004. Proximate composition of six shrimp species in
Bangladesh. Rajshahi Univ J Zool. 23:13-16;
M. N. Ahsan, M. G. Sarower,
S.B. Rahman, M.A. Sayeed, and M.N. Islam (2001). On the environment friendly
improved extensive culture of Penaeus monodon. Khulna Univ. Studies
2 (1): 91-96;
Taylor, S. E., Ahsan, M. N., Rouf, M. A. and Rahman, S. M.
(1999). Age-length relationship of freshwater giant prawn (Macrobrachium
rosenbergii de Man) larvae of a private hatchery. Bangladesh J. Fish.
22 (2): 119-123;
20. Ahsan, M. N. and Chakraborty, S. C. (1997). Effect of brood source on the growth of rohu (Labeo rohita Ham.) fingerlings reared in glass tanks with formulated diets. Bangladesh J. Fish. Res. 1 (2): 47-54.
Reviewed Workshop Proceedings]
H. Harada, C. Min-Li, Y. Fujimori, S. Fujii, M. N. Ahsan and A. Sakai
(2017). Fecal exposure analysis and E.
coli pathotyping: a case study of a Bangladeshi slum. International
Symposium on Green Technology for Value Chains, 23-24 October 2017, Jakarta,
Min Li Chua, Hidenori Harada, Shigeo Fujii, Md. Nazmul Ahsan, Akira
Sakai, Michiya Kodera, Shotaro Goto, Shohagi Rani Saha 2017 Fecal exposure
assessment on daily living activities among a Bangladeshi urban slum community.
Proceedings of the 26rd Joint KAIST-KU-NTU-NUS Symposium on Environmental
H. Harada, Y. Fujimori, R. Gomi, M. N. Ahsan, S. Fujii, A. Sakai and T.
Matsuda (2016). Pathotyping of Escherichia
coli isolated from community toilet excreta and stored drinking water in a
slum in Bangladesh. International Symposium on Global Environmental Studies
Education and Research in Asia, November 13-15, Bangkok, Thailand.
Parvez, M. S. and Ahsan, M. N.
(2016). Development of a multiplex PCR protocol using novel primer for rapid
detection of white spot syndrome virus in shrimp. 7th Biennial Fisheries
Conference & Research Fair 2016. BFRF, Dhaka, Bangladesh; 69p.
H. Harada, M. Kodera, S. Sakai, M.N. Ahsan, and S. Fujii (2014).
Fecal Bacterial Exposure and Infectious Risk Assessment in a Slum of
Bangladesh. In: Proceedings of World Water Congress and Exibition,
International Water Association, Lisbon, Portugal, 21-26 September 2014;
Ahsan, M. N., M. A. Rouf and B. Biswas (2012). Status of the
Sundarbans Fisheries and Community-based Management Approaches vis-à-vis
Climate Change and Environmental Implications. Pp. 14-27. In: M. E. Hoq and A. K. Yousuf Haroon (eds). Sundarbans Fisheries of Bangladesh: Current Status and Potentialities. SBOBLME
Pub/Rep. 6. Support to Sustainable Management of the Bay of Bengal Large Marine
Ecosystem Project, Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Bangladesh. 56p.
A. Sakai, Q. Azaduzzaman, M. Uddin, H. Harada and M. N. Ahsan (2011). Utilization of Human Excreta Derived Resources
for the Benefit of Urban Poor: An Integrated Approach toward Improved
Sanitation. In Proceedings of Conference on DEWATS for Urban Environments
in Asia, 25-28 May 2011 Crowne Plaza Galleria, Manila, The Philippines.
Rouf, M. A. and M. N. Ahsan.
(2011). Sustainable livelihood of the Sundarbans fishermen community within the
purview of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICM). Pp. 57-66. In: M. E. Hoq and A. K. Yousuf Haroon (eds).
Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICM)
in Bangladesh. SBOBLME Pub/Rep. 5. Support to Sustainable Management of the
BOBLME Project, Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Bangladesh. 88p.
M. N. Ahsan, A. H. Airin and M. R. Ara, S. M. A. Sobhan and S. M.
Rahman (2004). Making livelihoods more sustainable: evolution of a concept. pp.
1-12. In: M.N. Ahsan (ed).
Sustainable Livelihood Approach in Fisheries Education and Research, Khulna
University, Khulna, Bangladesh. 119p.
M. M. Khatun, S. M. Rahman, M. H. Ara and M. N. Ahsan (2004). Livelihoods outcomes: lessons learned from
five case studies. pp. 39-48. In:
M.N. Ahsan (ed). Sustainable Livelihood Approach in Fisheries Education and
Research, Khulna University, Khulna, Bangladesh. 119p.
11. M. R. Ara, A. H. Airin and M. N. Ahsan (2004). Social consideration for fisheries in Bangladesh: a sustainable livelihood perspective. pp. 57-66. In: M.N. Ahsan (ed). Sustainable Livelihood Approach in Fisheries Education and Research, Khulna University, Khulna, Bangladesh. 119p.
[Funded Research Projects (funding source)]
2018-20. Selection of mangrove species to optimise
aquaculture based livelihoods and
in climate smart designed polders of Bangladesh (Mangrove-Polders), Food and
Business Applied Research Fund (ARF) of the Netherlands Organisation for
Scientific Research (NWO).
2018-19. Development of value added products from
water hyacinth to support alternative livelihoods and ecological resilience in coastal
villages of southwest Bangladesh. (Blue Gold Innovation Fund, The Netherlands).
2017-18. Bacterial flora associated with freshwater
prawn hatchery system with particular focus on antibiotic resistant Vibrio spp (GARE, Ministry of Education,
2016-17. Effectiveness of probiotics uses in
extensive shrimp farming (Solidaridad);
2015-16. Impact of treated faecal sludge on fish
growth and associated health risk (FSM Project, SNV Netherlands);
2015. Monitoring biodiversity indicators: an endline
survey of biodiversity indices and community perception (SDBC-Sundarbans, GIZ);
2014-16. Multiplex PCR-based rapid screening of white
spot virus and pathogenic bacteria in shrimp for increased farm productivity
and export performance (BAS-USDA-PALS);
2013-14. Biodiversity assessment through field survey
in association with remotely sensed data and geographical information system (GIS)
in selected coastal areas adjacent to the Sundarbans (SDBC-Sundarbans, GIZ);
2014. Mainstreaming of eccentric aquatic production
system as a climate adaptive alternative livelihood strategy for the coastal
community (Grants for Advanced Research in Science, Ministry of Education,
2013. Production performance of over-wintered freshwater
giant prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) in polyculture with carp (Cyprinus
carpio) for an early crop (Grants for Advanced Research in Science, Ministry
of Education, Govt. of Bangladesh);
2013-14. Efficacy of potassium di-formate as an
alternative to antibiotic growth promoter in freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (IDRS-BFRI);
2013. Coping with shrimp white spot syndrome virus
through application of PCR technology that employ non-patented bulk reagents
affordable by the farmers (IDSR-BFRI);
2013. Production performance of over-wintered freshwater
giant prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii)
in polyculture with common carp (Cyprinus
carpio) for an early crop (
2011-12. Coordinated Sub-project on Improvement of
Agro forestry Practices for Better Livelihood and Environment (SPGR program of
2010. Cryopreservation of Endangered
Species Silver Barb, Puntius gonionotus
(Science and
2009-11. SaniCon-Asia
- Sanitation Constraints Classification and Strategy Development in Asian
Cities (Ministry of Environment,
2006. Identification of the
sources of nitrofuran and its derivatives and chloramphenicol in shrimp (Scoping study funded by Bangladesh Fisheries
Research Forum);
2005. Marketing and value chain analysis of mud crab (Scylla serrata) in the coastal
communities of
2005. Development of a low-cost aqua feed from shrimp
processing discards: an integrated approach toward mitigating environmental
pollution through biological waste recycling (Science and
2004. Development of options for utilization of shrimp
processing wastes by female processors (DFID, UK through University Grants
Commission of Bangladesh).