Dr. Rumana Asad
Architecture Discipline, Khulna University, Bangladesh.
Rumana is self-motivated academic with more than 16
years of experience in teaching, learning and investigative research skills,
especially in Architecture. Teach a broad range of graduate and undergraduate
level courses, develop and pilot courses to remain up to date on industry
standards, supervise internships and student projects, advise/mentor students,
and participate in discipline and university activities. Responsible for
developing relations between the discipline with other universities and
professional communities of the country, facilitating resources and sharing
information among these groups to work towards a sustainable built environment.
Enjoy learning new things, proficient at managing diverse tasks, and able to
work well under pressure. Aiming to share knowledge and create an attentive
and unique education model raising competent intellectual professionals.
Doctor of Philosophy
Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch), Khulna University, Khulna
research areas for Rumana includes water urbanism, flood adaptation, traditional
water knowledge, climate change and resilience. Rumana has a long-time
experience in teaching of architectural history, ecology, landscape, and urban
design theories, as well as conducts design studios at the undergraduate level.
She also worked as casual faculty and team member of several research projects
with the University of Newcastle, Australia.
Current Research Project/Collaboration
SL | Title | Research Role | Awarded Date | Completion Date | Funding Agency |
No Research Project Available |
1)Associate Professor (June, 2014 to Current)
Full time Undergraduate teaching
Employer: Architecture Discipline, School of Science, Engineering and technology
Khulna University, Bangladesh.
2)Assistant Professor (September, 2008 to June,2014)
Full time Undergraduate teaching
Employer: Architecture Discipline, School of Science, Engineering and technology
Khulna University, Bangladesh.
3)Lecturer (June, 2006 to September, 2008)
Full time Undergraduate teaching
Employer: Architecture Discipline, School of Science, Engineering and technology
Khulna University, Bangladesh.
4) Casual Academic (July, 2019 to June,2021)
Employer: School of Architecture and Built Environment, The University of Newcastle, Australia.
4) Architect (June, 2005 to May, 2006)
Employer: Vitti Shapati Brindo Ltd., Dhaka, Bangladesh.
No Data Available
SL | Title | Degree | Role | Start Date | End Date |
No Supervision Available |
No Data Available
coming soon...
Book Chapters (Peer Reviewed)
1. Asad, R., Vaughan, J., Ahmed, I., & von Meding, J. (2022). Photo-Voice as Means to Experience Water Space: Exploring Traditional Water Knowledge in Khulna, Bangladesh. In: Resilient and Responsible Smart Cities (pp. 137-148). Cham: Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-98423-6_11
2. Parvin,
A., Alam, A.F.M., and Asad, R. (2016). A Built Environment Perspective
on Adaptation in Urban Informal Settlements, Khulna, Bangladesh. In: M. Roy et
al. (eds.) (2016), Urban Poverty and Climate Change Lived experience of
slum dwelling in Asia, Africa, and Latin America,
Routledge-Earthscan, pp. 77-94.
3. Alam, A.F.M.A., Asad,
R., Parvin, A. (2015). Climate change adaptation through grassroots
responses: learning from the ‘Aila’ affected coastal settlements of Bangladesh.
In: Walter Leal & Ilan Kelman (eds) ‘Handbook of Climate Change
Adaptation’, published by the International Climate Change Information
Programme (ICCIP) and Springer. https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-3-642-40455-9_16-1
Journal Articles
Refereed Article in a scholarly journal― Published
4. Asad, R., Vaughan, J., & Ahmed, I. (2023). Integrated Traditional Water Knowledge in Urban Design and Planning Practices for Sustainable Development: Challenges and Opportunities. Sustainability, 15(16), 12434.
5. Asad, R., Hossain, R., and
Hossain, I. (2022). Application
of ICT Tools in Architectural Education: Current Trends, Khulna Univ. Stud., Special Issue: International
Conference on STEM and the Fourth Industrial Revolution (ICSTEM4IR) pp. 339–351, Nov.
2022 https://doi.org/10.53808/KUS.2022.ICSTEM4IR.0053-se
6. Asad, R., Ahmed, I., Vaughan, J. and von
Meding, J. (2022). Traditional water knowledge: challenges and
opportunities to build resilience to urban floods", International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the
Built Environment, Vol. 13 No. 1, pp. 1-13
Emerald Publishing Limited. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJDRBE-08-2020-0091.
7. Ahmed, S. K., Nabi, M. N. U., Zohora, F. T., Foishal, I. H., Asad, R., & Akther, F. (2021). Environmental and Livelihood Assessment of Handmade Clay Tiles from Koloroa Upazila for Sustainable Development. Vol 11, No. 1, p.99-116, Plan Plus, 10.54470/planplus.v11i1.8.
8. Ness, D., & Asad, R.
(2017). Towards integrated water infrastructure systems for climate resilience
and socio-economic co-benefits in the developing world. People, Place
and Policy, 11(1) 37-50. 10.3351/ppp.2017.4667922568
9. Alam,
A. A., Asad, R., & Kabir, M. E. (2016). Rural settlements dynamics
and the prospects of densification strategy in rural Bangladesh. Springer
Plus, 5: 254, https://doi.org/10.1186/s40064-016-1883-4.
10. Asad,
R. & Ahsan, S.M.R.
(2012). Structuring Urban Sustainability with Water: A Case of Kamrangir Chor,
Dhaka, Bangladesh, Journal of Social and Development Sciences, Vol. 3,
No. 8, pp. 293-303. http://connection.ebscohost.com/c/articles/88011671
11. Ahsan, S.M.R., Asad,
R. & Alam, A.F.M.A. (2012). Urban Regeneration for Sustainable Economic
Growth: the study of Boro Bazaar in Khulna, Bangladesh. Journal of Social and
Development Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 111-122.
12. Ahsan, S.M.R., Asad,
R. & Afrin, J. (2007). Domestic Fuel Consumption and the Indoor
Air Pollution: The Issue of Health Hazard in Rural Bangladesh. The Journal of
Geo-Environment, Vol. 7, pp 13-29, Department of Geography and Environmental
Studies, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh.
Full written paper – peer reviewed
13. Ahsan, S.M.R & Asad, R. (2013). Climate-Induced Migration (CIM) and Impacts on Urban Service facilities in Khulna,
Bangladesh. In: Osman, M.S, Islam, S.M.A., Saha, G.C., Islam, M.N, Alam, M.A. (eds), Climate Change Impact and Adaptation,
International Conference Proceedings, DUET, Gazipur, Bangladesh, pp 295-303,
14-16 November 2013.
14. Sharma, B.B. & Asad,
R. (2007). Lifestyle and Living Pattern of the Jamdani Weavers- A case of
Government’s Rehabilitation Scheme. In: Nilufar, F. (eds) Architecture for the
Economically Disadvantaged, International Seminar Proceedings, Dhaka,
Department of Architecture, BUET, pp 70-77, 23-24 March 2007.