Measuring Motivating Potential Score of Diversified Academic Staffs of the Government Primary Schools in Bangladesh

Author:- Sayed Azharul Islam, Samia Shanjabin, Zona Zaman and Md. Mahdi Al Muhtasim Nibir
Category:- Book; Year:- 2021
Discipline:- Human Resource Management Discipline
School:- Management & Business Administration School


Job Characteristics Model of Hackman and Oldham is an established tool that helps calculate the Motivating Potential Score (MPS) used in understanding the extent to which employees are motivated in their workplace from different perspectives. High MPS indicates positive work outcomes like high motivation, high employee satisfaction, high performance, low absenteeism, low turnover, etc. In human resource management, a motivating potential score (MPS) is used to track the perceived mental state of the workforce towards their jobs. Understanding this score is vital for both HR and line managers in decision-making. So it has become a part of regular action research by business professionals. This study measures the MPS of government primary school teachers while considering different dimensions of workforce diversity like- academic qualification, educational background, level of experience, gender. The established formula for calculating MPS has been used here. A total of 100 school teachers working in different state-run primary schools of Bangladesh have been considered as respondents of this study. The study finds an overall MPS of 69.78 out of a maximum possible score of 125. However, the study does not show any significant change in MPS due to the presence of workforce diversity. Rather, it shows a moderate level of MPS for all. Policy makers and government officials working for workforce improvement of the primary schools can use these findings to take further steps, though a moderate score may indicate that they have already done a lot to develop the index. Similar studies considering a better sample size might provide better insights and help in decision-making. Moreover, since ensuring quality education is one of the pillars of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations, this research is expected to be a good contribution in this regard as the ultimate intention of the study is related to ensuring quality education through skilled, motivated, engaged, and dedicated teachers.

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