Nuzhat Fatema (নুজহাত ফাতেমা)
Associate Professor




    Room No. 3430, 3rd Floor, Development Studies Discipline, Social Science School, Kobi Jibanananda Das Academic Building, Khulna University, Khulna 9208, Bangladesh

ORCID Profile  I  Google Scholar  I  ResearchGate Profile  I   publons Profile  I  Scopus Profile

Nuzhat Fatema is currently working as an Associate Professor at the Development Studies Discipline of Khulna University, Bangladesh. She obtained Master in Development Studies and PGD in Policy Studies from Murdoch University, Australia. She also did PGD on Disaster Management from Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET).

She has published about a dozen of publications from many national and international publishers including Springer and Emerald. She has presented more than a dozen of papers in conferences held in Europe, Australia, Africa and Asia. Her research interest covers Climate Adaptation, Disaster Management, Sustainable Development, Public Health, Gender and development. She worked for many developmental institutions located in Bangladesh and abroad.




Name of the Examination

Year of Passing

Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET)



Postgraduate Diploma in Disaster Management


Murdoch University, Perth, Australia



Master of Arts in Development Studies


Murdoch University, Perth, Australia



Postgraduate Diploma in Policy Studies


  • Climate Adaptation,
  • Disaster Management,
  • Sustainable Development,
  • Public Health,
  • Gender and development, and
  • Poverty and Inequality. 

Current Research Project/Collaboration

SL Title Research Role Awarded Date Completion Date Funding Agency
1 Assessing the Adaptive Capacity of Coastal Communities to Climate Change in Bangladesh


No Data Available


SL Title Degree Role Start Date End Date
No Supervision Available

No Data Available

coming soon...

Journal Articles:

  • Ahmed, S., & Fatema, N. (2023). Factors and practices: farmers' adaptation to climate change in Bangladesh. Journal of Water and Climate Change14(1), 123-141.
  • Rahman, M.A., Halder, H.R., Siddiquee, T. et al. (2021) Prevalence and determinants of double burden of malnutrition in Bangladesh: evidence from a nationwide cross-sectional survey. Nutrire 46, 11.
  • Fatema N, Public Health and Urban Local Governments in Bangladesh: The Context of COVID-19. Development Review. 30 (2021), 109-119
  • Haque, M.N., Saroar, M., Fattah, M.A., Morshed, S.R., and Fatema, N., (2020) Access to basic services during the transition from MDGs to SDGs: more rhetoric than reality in a Bangladesh Slum. Journal of Humanities and Applied Social Sciences. (Emerald Group Journal) 
  • Fatema, N., nd Murtaza, M.G., (2020) Deprivation of Basic Needs and Denial of the Human Rights: Breaking the Nexus in Urban Poor Families in Bangladesh. Journal of Bangladesh Institute of Planners. Vol. 13 ISSN:2075-9363 
  • Rahman, M.A, Fatema, N., Aktar, S., Khan, B., Shovo, T., and Howlader, M.H., (2020) Livelihood Sustainability Status and Challenges of South-western Coastal Area of Bangladesh. Journal of Social and Political Sciences, Vol.3, No.4, 945-956. DOI: 10.31014/aior.1991.03.04.226
  •  Shovo, T. Fatema, N., Jaedi, A.A., Keya, Z.F. and Howlader, M.H., (2020) Constraints to Get Access in Maternal Healthcare: A Review from Lower-middle-Income Countries. Journal of Social and Political Sciences, Vol.3, No.3, 822-834. DOI: 10.31014/aior.1991.03.03.215 
  • Murtaza, M.G. and Fatema, N., (2020) Covid-19 and the Pouashavas of Bangladesh: Some Concerns. CUS Bulletin on Urbanization and Development. Vol. 77-78, 13-15.
  • Murtaza, M.G., and Fatema, N., (2015) Private investment in Khulna region: opportunities and challenges for industrialization. Samaj Sameekkha Vol.4, No.1, 46-65.
  • Islam, Z., Arifuzamman, S.M. and Fatema, N., (2012) Training Module/ Curriculum and Training Effectiveness: An Empirical evidence from Foundation Training Course at BPATC in Bangladesh. World Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 2, No.3, 15-30.

Other Articles (Conference Proceeding/Presentation/Special Issues)

           i.          Murtaza, M.G. and Fatema, N. (2020) Housing fo All- a Myth or a reality: the Context of Urban Bangladesh and COVID-19                         In: Ahmed, N.U., et al (eds) Housing for All: A Bette Urban Future (pp. 57-60). Dhaka: Ministry of Housing and Public                                   Works.

ii.         Saroar, M.M and Fatema, N (2018) Is there any lesson from Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project for developing economies to reduce their GHG emission? Presented at the Rethinking Development- Development Research Conference 2018 held in Gothenburg, Sweden on 22-23 August 2018

iii.       Fatema, N and Saroar, MM (2018) Ecosystem-based Adaptation for Building Resilience in Peri-urban Coastal Community in Bangladesh. Presented at the Rethinking Development- Development Research Conference 2018 held in Gothenburg, Sweden on 22-23 August 2018

iv.        Saroar, MM and Fatema, N (2017) Climate Change Mitigation through CDM Projects in Waste Management: A Good Start        but a Bad Ending! Presented at the Consuming the Environment- multidisciplinary approaches to urbanization and                      vulnerability conference 2017 held in Gavle, Sweden on 3-5 December 2017.

   v.         Fatema, N and Saroar, MM (2017) Why Urban Poor in a coastal metropolis in Bangladesh care more about their exposure to       urban ecosystem disservices than getting benefits from ecosystem services? Presented at the Consuming the Environment-         multidisciplinary approaches to urbanization and vulnerability conference 2017 held in Gavle, Sweden on 3-5 December             2017.

    vi.         Saroar, MM and Fatema, N (2017) Ecosystem-based Adaptation for Building Resilient Coastal City in Bangladesh.                    Presented at the Ecocity World Summit- Changing Cities: Resilience and Transformations held in Melbourne, Australia on          12-14 July 2017.

   vii.         Fatema, N and Saroar, MM (2017) Climate Change Mitigation through CDM Projects in Waste Management. Presented at        the  Ecocity World Summit- Changing Cities: Resilience and Transformations held in Melbourne, Australia on 12-14 July          2017

  viii.          Saroar, MM and Fatema, N (2017) Protection of Urban Poor from Ecosystem Disservices for Attaining Sustainable                     Development Goals: Status and Determinants in a Coastal Metropolis in Bangladesh. Paper presented at the International           Conference Interconnections 2017: Interconnections between the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris         Climate Agreement held in Bonn, Germany on 12-14 May 2017.

    ix.          Saroar, MM and Fatema, N (2017) Urban poor with limited access to climate service care more about protection from                 ecosystem disservices than benefit of ecosystem services. Presented at the Fifth International Conference on Climate                   Services  (ICCS5) held in Cape Town, South Africa on Feb 28 –March 2, 2017.

    x.            Fatema, N and Saroar, MM (2017) Climate Services for Better Value Chain of Peri-urban Wetland Ecosystem Services &         Wellbeing of Urban Poor. Presented at the Fifth International Conference on Climate Services (ICCS5) held in Cape Town,         South Africa on Feb 28 –March 2, 2017.

    xi.           Saroar, MM and Fatema, N (2016) Why urban poor exposed to climate change in coastal Bangladesh are more concerned          about ecosystem disservices than services? Presented at the International Conference on Ecological Sciences held in                    Marseille,   France on 24-27 October 2016.

    xii.          Fatema N and Saroar MM (2016) Value chains of peri-urban wetlands ecosystems and their roles in the wellbeing of                  urban  poor in a coastal metropolis in Bangladesh. Accepted and to be presented at the International Conference on                      Ecological Sciences to be held in Marseille, France on 24-27 October 2016.

   xiii.           Saroar MM, Fatema N and Murtaza MG (2015) Climate smart agriculture and food security nexus: understanding the                 current   status and the drivers in coastal Bangladesh? Presented at the 2nd International Conference on Global Food                   Security held in  New York, USA on 11-14 October 2015.

   xiv.            Saroar MM and Fatema N (2015) What motivates urban poor in Bangladesh to adapt with urban ecosystem services                           and  disservices? Presented at the 9th International Conference on Urban Climate held in Toulouse, France on 20-24                           July 2015.

   xv.              Saroar, M.M. and Fatema, N. (2013) Governing the adaptive responses against livelihood insecurity in coastal                                   landscape.  Earth  System Governance Tokyo Conference: Complex Architectures, Multiple Agents held in Tokyo on                         28-31 January 2013.   

   xvi.             Saroar, M.M. and Fatema, N. (2013) The new architecture of governance of “Environmental Migrants” vs “Climate                          Refugees: Beyond semantic differences. Earth System Governance Tokyo Conference: Complex Architectures,                                  Multiple  Agents held in Tokyo on 28-31 January 2013.

   xvii.           Islam, Z., Arifuzamman, S.M. and Fatema, N. (2010) Civil Service Training Module/Curriculum for Training                                     Effectiveness: An  Empirical evidence from Foundation Training Course at BPATC in Bangladesh. Proceeding of the                         4th International Annual  Business Research Conference held at Dhaka 23-24 December, Bangladesh.